Growing up, my dad had a Leatherman multi-tool. Any time he undertook a roll-up-your-sleeves kind of task, it was there to help him get it done. Logos does the same thing—it’s the multi-tool sermon planning toolkit millions use for sermon planning...
Sometimes in your Bible study, you may come across something that rings a bell—but can’t quite place the reference. Many of us turn to Google, but like all online searches, it can be really hard to find the Bible questions and answers you’re looking...
People love the features inside Logos 9. It’s astonishing how good the Factbook is. I’m kinda blown away. Incredibly fast, ridiculously broad and deep coverage, pleasant to navigate—it’s just a real treat.—James M. Thank y’all so much for this...
Do you want to know how we talk about you, Logos users, inside our hallowed halls? We call you “pastors and other Bible nerds.” You are the people we love and the people we know how to serve. Which is a little selfish because you’re the kind of...
If you’re like me, you probably set out each new year with lofty Bible study goals. And then, well—life happens. A few random distractions can quickly turn much-intended goals into a nice idea shelved for next year.
The Bible of course is loaded with historical events. In some portions of Scripture, such as Acts, the events occur in rapid succession, thereby, challenging us to keep them in chronological order. There is, however, tucked away on the context...
If you regularly spend time reading or teaching the Bible, you should seriously consider adopting Bible software into your life. If you are in seminary or full-time ministry, you definitely should consider investing in Bible software. I have been...
The Counseling Guide arrived on the scene in Logos 9.0. With this tool, we can investigate over 300 themes or topics to assist us with our people-helping skills. Since its addition to the software, it has continued to expand—and the improvements in...
Logos is an incredibly useful tool straight out of the box (or off the website). But as with any tool, it can take some time to get to know it well and use it better. As an academic user, you’re also coming to Logos from a specific angle. Your...
Some individual Guide sections have the same name but different purposes. For example: Lemma in Passage can assist with passages or words Thematic Outlines can help with passages or preaching themes Atlas can aid with passages or topics If we open...
Imagine we’re embarking on a study of Matthew. In preparation, we want to examine both the Matthew commentaries we already own as well as the ones available at We can now easily perform this task with the new store tab in the Logos...
Have you ever set a reading goal for the new year, only to have it fizzle a few months in? I know I have. Here’s how Logos can help you stay on track with your reading and study goals in the new year. (Spoiler alert: It’s with the new Reading Plans...
Perhaps you’ve heard how Logos 9 can help you study the Bible—and maybe you even poked around on to see what all the fuss is about. You likely saw some of the powerful new features and thought, This. Looks. Really. Cool. But . . . We know...
As we read passages in the Bible, we’re accustomed to working with cross-references embedded in the text, usually through superscript letters. For example, in the ESV a superscript “n” appears next to the word power in Acts 1:8. Hovering over the...
With the recent release of Logos 9.2, we can now drag and drop images right into our Notes! Adding images has never been easier. Give this a go: Open Notes from the Tools menu to a blank Note (A) Open the Faithlife Study Bible to Psalm 47:5 where an...
If you’re new to Logos Bible Software, you may be wondering where to start your Bible study. With all of the possibilities, should you start with the Home Page? A Guide? A Workflow? I suggest starting with the Factbook, which quickly...
Picture this: you’ve prayerfully completed sermon preparation, and it’s time to share the Word. Your sermon slides are ready, and you’re in the sanctuary. Your tablet shows you all your sermon notes and slides—and you control which slides show...
If you’re using the Sermon Builder to create your sermons/lessons (which I hope you are), then you’ll really appreciate this new Logos 9.1 feature: a Home Page Dashboard Sermon Card to quickly access your upcoming sermon(s). Let’s quickly check out...
After church on Sunday, a man comes up to Pete and pours out the struggles in his marriage. Pete graciously listens for several minutes and suggests that the two of them get together later in the week to talk further while wondering, How can I give...
Have you ever run a Bible Search in Logos that returned hundreds of results spread across several pages? It’s hard to process! But with a single click, the Charts Tool in Logos 9* consolidates pages of results into one colorful visual. For example...
Based on user feedback, one of the most helpful Logos 9 new features is the expanded Commentaries Guide Section, which appears by default in the Passage Guide or can be opened by itself from the Guides menu. In the recently released 9.1 update, this...
You’ve crafted your sermon and are ready to preach, but how do you get that sermon to the pulpit? Logos 9 takes you from prepping to preaching with a single tap. When you write your message in Sermon Builder, Logos makes it easy to format your...
Looking to upgrade to Logos 9? If you answered “Yes” or even “Maybe,” did you know you have another choice—which type of upgrade you want? To figure that out, keep reading. The scoop on feature upgrades Feature upgrades boost the power of your...
When it comes to ministry tools, nothing can rival the Word of God. After all, God tells us his Word can pierce “to the division of soul and spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart” (Heb 4:13)...
Logos 9 released 6 weeks ago bringing with it a new and expanded Factbook, allowing us to study more topics, themes, and texts. In the continued effort to improve this tool, Logos 9.1 contains even more Factbook...
As a busy pastor, you work hard at managing day-to-day demands and planning for the future. Even before Christmas arrives, you’re thinking about Easter—and how to plan and store sermons amid all the other demands can be challenging. But in just a...
People are loving the awesome new features of Logos’ newest version. It’s astonishing how good the Factbook is. I’m kinda blown away. Incredibly fast, ridiculously broad and deep coverage, pleasant to navigate—it’s just a real treat. —James M. Thank...
The recently released Logos 9 contains numerous new features, but none more practical than the redesigned Commentaries guide section. With this makeover, we can now display our commentaries in various ways, including the denominational bent of the...
Ever come across a cross-reference and wanted to see at a glance how it relates to the passage you’re studying? Or filter the Proverbs based on the type of advice the writer is giving, and to whom he’s giving it? If so, you’re...
Sometimes in Bible study, we want to investigate a passage in great detail and we have a lot of Logos tools to accomplish this task: Passage Guide, Exegetical Guide, Bible Word Study, and more! At other times, however, we want a birds-eye view of a...