When I joined Logos just over two years ago, I could not have predicted how quickly AI would become mainstream. For two decades, I served as a pastor. I carried out postgraduate research and lectured at a seminary—all while using Logos, of course...
Easter Sunday is right around the corner. As you prepare for your service, meditating on the glory of the cross, take a look at these Good Friday and Easter worship songs and hymns. Some are traditional, some are contemporary, and some are somewhere...
I don’t know a single worship leader who doesn’t want more solid musicians on their worship team. Identifying those musicians through an audition process is the first step to getting them there. But how can you set new worship team members up for...
Sometimes the easiest tricks are the best. You know, the ones that make you wonder it has been all your life. Proclaim has some juicy tricks, too. (Proclaim is presentation software designed for churches. With it, anyone on your team—even...
Sometimes volunteers are just going to quit, and there’s nothing you can do to change their minds. People move. They get new jobs or go through transitions that make volunteering more difficult or stressful. But sometimes people quit for...
Social media for churches is about relationships. And just like any relationship, a little goes a long way—as long as the little is consistent.
By Joshua Hunt & Nick Kelly Slide presentations are a primary communication tool in worship services. Adding a photo to a church presentation is a great way to support the message of a slide—from song lyrics to announcements to sermon points...
“Come thou font of every blessing . . .” 😬 Typos happen to the best of us. But fortunately, there’s a quick, easy way to avoid them when it comes to your song slides. Save time and typos by importing song lyrics into Proclaim...
Though we celebrate the resurrection power of Jesus every week, Easter Sunday is special. Not only do we set it aside to focus primarily on the resurrection, but it’s also a unique evangelistic opportunity. It’s one of the few mornings when the...
A long search for church media isn’t fun. Finding the right media fast? We can all get behind that. With Proclaim’s church presentation software, you can easily find and add media to your service presentations, whether you’re looking for...
Mark Twain said, “The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter—’tis the difference between the lightning-bug and the lightning.” The same could be said for your church media. The right image can stop the...
The Christmas season provides a unique opportunity for your church to connect with people in the community. And social media is one of the greatest tools we have to promote what’s happening in the life of our church.
With all the preparation you’re putting into your Christmas services, don’t forget one of the most important elements: presentation slides. What should you keep in mind as you build your service slides for Christmas and Christmas Eve? Here are five...
Christmas! It’s one of the best times of the year—especially for church outreach. And this year, that outreach may be even more important than ever. Many churches are shrinking. Carey Nieuwhof reports that “anecdotally, most churches find themselves...
I’ve been in church all my life, and I’ve been in volunteer leadership positions long enough to know that planning a service simply takes time and energy.
The holidays—Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the new year—are a special time in ministry. Not only do we celebrate the birth of Jesus but we also get the chance to welcome visitors in our churches—many of whom will be attending for the first time. It’s...
Scrolling endlessly through photos is only fun when it’s by choice (oh hello, vacation albums). When you’re trying to find media for your church presentations, it’s just frustrating. And if you serve in a bilingual church where you need to create...
Defining your church’s brand is about helping people find their place in the body of Christ. It’s an expression of how the passions your people carry collide with the community you inhabit. It’s a physical reflection of the...
We’ve written about how to introduce new worship songs to your church. But that assumes you’ve found new songs to lead, which raises another question: What new worship songs should you be singing? With innumerable choices, how do worship...
With all the guests you’re expecting for Easter, you want to put your best foot forward—including in every detail of your Easter church service. Between church announcements, worship backgrounds, and sermon slides . . . that could take hours. Or it...
So, your church has been live streaming for a while now, and you’re looking to step up your game. You’ve come to the right place. In this post, I’ll walk you through using overlays from Proclaim while live streaming. While Proclaim allows you to...
Have you ever reread a line in an email and thought, “Yikes. That’s not how I wanted it to come across”? (Please say it’s not just me . . . ) The same thing can happen with sermons. Preachers know their people-loving, mission-minded intentions for...
Surprised at how busy this year has already been? Me too. How’d you like to save some time? Shave off minutes–hours with Proclaim + Pro Media, where you won’t have to scroll endlessly through church media that’s too cheesy or too drab to draw...
Confession: I have a soft spot for paper hymnals. They keep everyone on the same page, show the lyrics and music, and give you a look at what’s next. Plus, flipping pages can be fun. (Maybe that’s just me?) But I can’t tell you the last time I used...
Hi there, leader. We see you. Adjusting through COVID has been rough for everyone, but even more so for you. You’ve got people counting on you and people you want to help, but it’s tough to even get people to talk in small group. You’ve had to...
Today, we’ll be talking about overlaying text on a live video with Faithlife Proclaim. How can I overlay text on a live display with Proclaim? Adding song lyrics and Scripture to the slides on your live stream church service lets viewers follow...
This December, spread Christmas cheer for all to hear . . . and see! Inside Proclaim + Pro Media, you’ll find church media as pretty as a sparkling Christmas tree or the fireworks on New Year’s Eve. As you close the door on this year, you can use...
Many of us can remember sitting hunched over the kitchen table as a kid, toiling away at a stack of thank-you notes. We wanted to say thank you—but it seemed so hard to come up with an interesting way to express our gratitude. Years later, and that...
People are loving the awesome new features of Logos’ newest version. It’s astonishing how good the Factbook is. I’m kinda blown away. Incredibly fast, ridiculously broad and deep coverage, pleasant to navigate—it’s just a real treat. —James M. Thank...
This Christmas, deck your church’s screens with good tidings of great joy. Christmas and Advent motion graphics are waiting for you inside Proclaim + Pro Media! This winter, use new professionally designed graphics to . . . Announce holiday events...