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5 Minutes to Beautiful Easter Church Presentations: See How! (Video)

With all the guests you’re expecting for Easter, you want to put your best foot forward—including in every detail of your Easter church service. Between church announcements, worship backgrounds, and sermon slides . . . that could take hours.

Or it could take five minutes.

Easter church presentations, fast

Create an Easter presentation you’re proud of—in less time than it often takes to find one just-right photo—with Proclaim.

In fact, you can add all this in under two minutes (watch the video to see how):

  • Pre-service announcements 
  • Song lyrics and styling
  • Scripture in context, with styling

Since Proclaim is free to try, you’ve got nothing to lose. 

Watch the video above to see how to finish Easter church presentations fast with Proclaim. Then try it out.

Proclaim 4: Create Excellent Presentations Every Week. Click to see what's new in Proclaim church presentation software.

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Logos Staff

Logos is the largest developer of tools that empower Christians to go deeper in the Bible.

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Written by Logos Staff