We hope you had a lovely Christmas and New Year! The Logos staff enjoyed some wonderful, much-needed holiday time off. But that doesn’t mean we took a vacation from delivering improvements to your experience of studying God’s Word! From...
If Revelation were the first book of the Bible you read, you’d be very confused. Chronologically, it comes last. But what about the other books of the Bible? They’re not in order by date. (Most scholars believe Mark was written before Matthew, for...
Although the new Logos released just a few weeks ago, we’re already making it even better. We’re obsessed with making the best, easiest-to-use, and most in-depth Bible study platform for pastors, scholars, and serious students of the Bible. Read...
Sometimes the easiest tricks are the best. You know, the ones that make you wonder it has been all your life. Proclaim has some juicy tricks, too. (Proclaim is presentation software designed for churches. With it, anyone on your team—even...
I was born with a Bible in my hand (not literally), in church before I was even born (literally). I can’t remember my first Bible, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was one of those soft, cute little fabric storybook Bibles with crunchy things on...
Who is God? What’s he like? Ask a hundred people, and you might just get a hundred answers. So let’s find out the truth of who he is—from Scriptures. They’re his Word to us, a gift that allows us to get to know him directly. As...
Hebrews 11:6 says “without faith it is impossible to please him.” Not unlikely. Not difficult. Impossible. Thomas a Kempis, author of The Imitation of Christ, wrote, “Faith is required of you, and a sincere life, not a lofty...
People have been asking, “Which Bible commentary is best?” for as long as anyone can remember. Learn what an exegetical commentary is—and seven exceptional selections.
Hope. It’s a word most of us overuse: “I hope it doesn’t rain tomorrow.” “I hope there’s a good parking spot open.” And, of course, “Hope you’re well!” as a pleasant (admittedly unoriginal) email intro. The Bible uses hope this way sometimes...
“Is this worship?” That’s not a thought I expected to have nearing the end of my first 15K race, but there it was. As I watched seagulls soaring overhead and one foot fell in front of the other, my reasoning went like this:...
No Hebrew word is an exact equivalent for the English term repentance. Repentance was expressed by a number of different actions that show a change in thinking and attitude toward sin and God.
Admitting this makes me cringe: too often, I gallop through my Bible reading as if it’s another thing to mark off my to-do list. It’s better than not reading the Bible at all, but I’m missing out on so much as I rush by. To help with that, I tried...
Christmas hymns spring to mind as freely as coffee flows on a Sunday morning, but Thanksgiving worship songs can be harder to come by . . . Here are 24 to consider as you invite your congregation to “sing praises to God, sing praises; sing praises...
Thanksgiving Day gets overshadowed by other holidays in store aisles, porch decorations, and people’s priorities—but preaching about thankfulness will always hold a place in the pulpit. Here are 14 sermon illustrations on Thanksgiving to help you...
Many of us read Luke 2 at Christmastime, but what Scriptures can we read at Thanksgiving? Here are 54 Bible verses about thanksgiving and gratitude to meditate on during the holiday season or take turns reading around the table on Thanksgiving Day...
According to Lifeway Research, “64% of churches either have nothing to assimilate new members, or no systemic plan to move people towards membership.” Imagine if that were true in the workplace . . . not a good start. Like onboarding and...
Every month, around 350 people search for “Bible reading plans PDF.” Nearly 12,000 people on average (and as many as 30,000!) search for “Bible reading plans” monthly. Here’s a great (free) option for every one of those people—and you too. Here’s...
Mark Twain said, “The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter—’tis the difference between the lightning-bug and the lightning.” The same could be said for your church media. The right image can stop the...
What were 2021’s most popular worship songs? What about most popular sermon topics? Find out in the free 2021 Songs & Sermons Report for worship leaders, pastors, and anyone who’s just really curious. (Can’t blame you there.) Popular worship...
The definition of spiritual endurance (or “steadfast endurance”) is this: the power to withstand hardship or stress; especially the inward fortitude necessary. This definition from Logos Bible Software (Bible app and Basic package available free) is...
After 30 years, Logos still exists to equip the church to grow in the light of the Bible. Read about its creation and customer stories.
Bible study can be as addictive as eating Fritos: “You can never eat one. You can eat a half a bag, but not one.” That’s what Chuck Swindoll, one of the best Bible teachers, says. But for many Christians, reading the Bible feels like eating...
According to Hallmark, Clergy Appreciation Month (aka Pastor Appreciation Month) started in 1992 “with a mission of uplifting and encouraging pastors, missionaries, and religious workers.” I don’t know about you, but I think it was long overdue...
There seem to be countless sermon illustrations on faith—but some are better than others. Find six memorable ones below! 1. Sermon illustration on enduring faith From Nelson’s Complete Book of Stories, Illustrations & Quotes: Faith honors...
Millennials and Gen Z are weighing heavy on pastors’ hearts these days. According to Barna, When presented with a list of possible challenges facing their church today, half of Protestant pastors note that “reaching a younger audience” (51%)...
“Reading the Bible isn’t the same as studying the Bible.” I remember learning that as a kid, sitting in the far-left row of Mrs. Bucy’s Sunday school class. Back then, Bible study tools were printed Bibles, bulky concordances (and even bulkier...
Confession: I have a soft spot for paper hymnals. They keep everyone on the same page, show the lyrics and music, and give you a look at what’s next. Plus, flipping pages can be fun. (Maybe that’s just me?) But I can’t tell you the last time I used...
New year’s resolutions are notoriously hard to keep, but two are absolutely worth the effort: reading the Bible more studying the Bible better Are those on your resolutions list? (Or, if you don’t make new year’s resolutions, two of your hopes for...
Many of us can remember sitting hunched over the kitchen table as a kid, toiling away at a stack of thank-you notes. We wanted to say thank you—but it seemed so hard to come up with an interesting way to express our gratitude. Years later, and that...
The number of atheists in the United States has doubled in the past 10 years (from 2% in 2009 to 4% in 2018–2019). The number of agnostics has nearly doubled, too—it’s now 5%. The world is becoming increasingly skeptical of Christianity. Are...