The Future of Bible Study Is Here: See What’s New in Logos

What’s New in Logos? January 2025

An image that reads, See What's New in Logos for January 2025.

We hope you had a lovely Christmas and New Year! The Logos staff enjoyed some wonderful, much-needed holiday time off.

But that doesn’t mean we took a vacation from delivering improvements to your experience of studying God’s Word! From refined navigation to newly-included content, these updates are all about helping you save time and stay focused on God’s Word.

Learn about our latest updates available to subscribers today in version 39.

Watch the update

Prefer a video walkthrough? Product manager and longtime Logos user Mark Barnes will share everything you need to know in this live session. Plus, there’s a live Q&A at the end.

Sign up for the video walkthrough on January 16 or to catch the replay.

Updates at a glance

  1. Summarize your Factbook Journals and Sermons: Sleek new look and easier navigation, plus you can now summarize your Journals and Sermons.
  2. Improved highlights: Bible verse highlights no longer automatically show up in your commentaries.
  3. New reverse interlinears included: See the Bible in its original languages and English together, line by line, side by side.

And more!

1. Summarize and new styling on Journal and Sermon sections in Factbook

Factbook, you’re looking good these days. The Journals and Sermons sections in Factbook just got a styling upgrade similar to what you saw with the Commentaries section in the last update. Not only that, our powerful Summarize tool now works on your Journals and Sermons.

A cleaner arrangement (and article previews) means it’s easier to browse and decide where to focus your reading. For those with extensive journal libraries, new grouping and sorting options (by author, year, or title) help you find exactly what you’re looking for in moments.

Logoss Factbook with newly styled journal and sermon sections.
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2. Highlight only what matters in commentaries

Make sure the highlighter ink doesn’t leak onto your commentary page.

Previously, when you highlighted a Bible verse, those highlights automatically appeared in all related commentary entries. Now, with version 39, highlights stay within the Bible, keeping your commentaries clean and uncluttered.

A video of how the Anchored Highlights now function across Bibles and commentaries in Logos.
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*The web version is coming soon.

3. More reverse interlinears included

Read the Bible in English and in its original languages—line by line and side by side. Version 39 expands access to reverse interlinears, including for the Complete Jewish Bible English-Greek New Testament. This enhancement provides a deeper understanding of the original languages behind the text.

The Complete Jewish Bible open in the Logos Bible Study platform.

Perfect for serious students and language lovers, these are now included for our subscribers. As a special Christmas gift, we’ve also given these reverse interlinears to all Logos 10 Full Feature Set owners, free of charge! Here are some of the interlinears with new availability:

Logos Premium and up

  • New Cambridge Paragraph Bible: Old and New Testaments
  • New International Version (Anglicised Edition, 2011): Old and New Testaments

Logos Pro and up

  • New Revised Standard Version: Apocrypha
  • Authorized English Version (1873): Apocrypha
  • King James Version: Apocrypha (English-Greek)
  • New Cambridge Paragraph Bible: Apocrypha

And don’t forget, these reverse interlinears are also available to users with a Logos 10 Full Feature Set, as well as subscribers.

A snapshot of more updates

Cumulatively, small improvements like these elevate the entire app experience, and they demonstrate that we aren’t just about big, flashy new features, but about making Bible study better as a whole.
— Adam Borries, Software Program Manager

  • Automatic precision: Sometimes, only a precise search will do, so Logos will now switch you to that mode if you need it.
  • Mobile app: When you’re navigating to a different part of the Bible, you can now type a reference (e.g., “John 3:16”) instead of tapping on the menu to select book, chapter, and verse.
  • Citation improvements: Turabian, 9th ed. (fullnote), has been added, providing more flexibility for academic writing.
  • Better link handling on Windows: Links now open directly in Logos without detouring through a browser, saving time and clicks.
  • Sermon Builder enhancements: You can now edit passage blocks directly within the Sermon Builder, making it easier to refine your content.

See more in the technical release notes.

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author mary jahnke x
Written by
Mary Jahnke

Mary Jahnke has a background in marketing, especially for Christian education, and serves as a content marketing strategist for Faithlife. She has experience in church communications and is always looking for helpful knowledge to share.

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author mary jahnke x Written by Mary Jahnke