When anxiety hits, among the places we go for advice and comfort—e.g., family, friends, pastors, spiritual directors, or perhaps even to a counselor or therapist—we must not forget to go to God’s Word to calm our anxious hearts. The Bible...
A lot of Christians think they aren’t cut out to be a youth leader. But if you love Jesus and you care about kids, everything else falls into place. In my five years working with middle school students I’ve met multiple 80 year olds who...
The Counseling Guide arrived on the scene in Logos 9.0. With this tool, we can investigate over 300 themes or topics to assist us with our people-helping skills. Since its addition to the software, it has continued to expand—and the improvements in...
Dave Wenzel says, "Suffering gives us an opportunity to reach out and express the grace of God in situations where people are hurting and looking for that meaning and purpose in their life."
After church on Sunday, a man comes up to Pete and pours out the struggles in his marriage. Pete graciously listens for several minutes and suggests that the two of them get together later in the week to talk further while wondering, How can I give...
When it comes to ministry tools, nothing can rival the Word of God. After all, God tells us his Word can pierce “to the division of soul and spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart” (Heb 4:13)...
It’s the start of Pastor Appreciation Month—one that’s especially deserved after all the extra-long hours and adjustments COVID-19 has brought. Thank you, pastors! As you continue feeding your flock, may these three simple tips help you lighten...
Dr. Tim Clinton recommends essential resources for those interested in Christian counseling (0:10), and Dr. Ronn Johnson discusses the doctrine of atonement (2:20). Dr. Clinton’s top Christian counseling resources Take a look at...
Dr. Steve Runge introduces referring expressions in Hebrews 2:10 (:10), and Kay Warren discusses how to counsel a friend with mental illness (2:00). Learn how language affects Scripture with Dr. Runge Our understanding of the Greek New Testament is...
Bryan Chapell teaches on expository preaching (0:10), and Scott Lindsey sits down with Gary Barnes to discuss pastoral counseling (4:20). Learn how to ‘say what the text says’ Bryan Chapell says expository preaching is all about...
People talk about adjusting to the “new normal” caused by coronavirus like it’s all bad—and maybe it is. It’s hard to tell at this point. But there’s also good. Bibles are flying off shelves and trending in Google searches. People are aware of their...
Even in the midst of the coronavirus and social distancing, we can use this time to move forward in faith and help others do the same. Here’s how you can do it for free: 1. Get a Faithlife Connect subscription—absolutely free for 14 days, no...
Addiction Also called: Alcoholism, Drug Addiction, ObsessionBeing enslaved to a habit, practice or substance such that withdrawal causes trauma. Top Bible Verses about Addiction John 8:34 Jesus replied to them, “Truly, truly I say to you...
Dr. Michael Allen talks about his latest studies (0:10), and renowned biblical counselor Elyse Fitzpatrick discusses the root of obedience, God’s love (3:55). Discover a twentieth-century gem G. C. Berkouwer’s collection of studies on...
Choose Joy with Kay Warren Ever wonder why some people seem to experience joy in their daily lives–even in the tough times—and others can’t seem to find it no matter how hard they search? Is a joy-filled life really possible? The answer is yes! And...
Today’s guest post is by Dr. Daniel Bush, author of Live in Liberty: The Spiritual Message of Galatians, Embracing God as Father: Christian Identity in the Family of God, and the forthcoming book, Undefended: Discovering God when Your Guard Is Down...
In a world afflicted with suffering, anger, addiction, and depression, how can Christians find joy? In Mobile Ed’s Biblical Soul Care, Dr. Tim Clinton explores the intersection of psychology, faith, and happiness. Dr. Clinton draws from the Bible...
This article is the last post in a three-part miniseries on Memorial Day. It is written by special guest Jeff Struecker. Read more about his story in part one, “Remember America’s Heroes” and part two, “Reflections on Faith, Freedom, and Our Future...
This article is part two of a three-part miniseries on Memorial Day. It is written by special guest Jeff Struecker. Read more about his story in part one, “Remember America’s Heroes.” I spent almost 23 years in the US Army. For nearly all of those...
Last night, I opened up C.S. Lewis’ A Grief Observed for the first time in several years. As I began to read, I remembered the first time I read Lewis’ work. It was a powerful and stirring point in my life. It helped me to read...
During the Christmas sale, you can use coupon code BUNDLEUP14 to get 15% off all topical bundles. Topical bundles have been completely rebuilt with the launch of Logos 6, and in each bundle, you’ll find high-quality resources essential to a specific...
This past week, in a webinar hosted by Logos expert James Fowler, we outlined some exceptional pastoral-care and counseling resources using Logos Bible Software. Fowler shared his knowledge on ways to build unique and useful counseling collections...
Confrontation can create many unpleasant feelings and situations: awkwardness, irritation, and hurt. However, it can achieve much more if handled correctly—improved communication, understanding, solution to a problem, respect, and trustworthiness...
You don’t have to look far to find pain. Hurting people are everywhere, and wanting to help is natural. Unfortunately, so is not knowing what to do. Many people avoid those who are hurting because they don’t feel qualified to help. Here...
Looking for information and guidance on some of today’s tough topics? One hundred different topics, and some of today’s most prevalent issues, are discussed in the Hope for the Heart Biblical Counseling Library. This in-depth counseling library...