Elyse Fitzpatrick on the Root of Obedience

Dr. Michael Allen talks about his latest studies (0:10), and renowned biblical counselor Elyse Fitzpatrick discusses the root of obedience, God’s love (3:55).

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G. C. Berkouwer’s collection of studies on Christian theology, doctrine, and dogma is noted by many as one of the most significant works of Christian Dogmatics of the 20th century. Berkouwer’s work is seen by many to be second only to his predecessor Karl Barth in its significance and contribution to Reformed Christian theology. Dr. Carl F. H. Henry of Christianity Today says, “Dr. Berkouwer’s vigorous volumes on dogmatics not only deserve to be read on both sides of the Atlantic, but the present tensions in theology make the reading of these works an imperative.”

Get Studies in Dogmatics today.

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Published by T&T Clark International, the International Critical Commentary has long held a special place among works on the Bible. It brings together all the relevant aids to exegesis: linguistic and textual, archaeological, historical, literary, and theological, with a comprehensiveness and quality of scholarship unmatched by any other series.

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Add the International Critical Commentary Series to your library.

Pick up a biblical counseling bundle

Whether you’re the worship pastor or the Sunday school teacher, your ministry requires your unwavering identity in Christ. In these Mobile Ed courses, Elyse Fitzpatrick lays the groundwork to growing this Christocentric identity. Under her direction, you’ll learn the importance of building Christ-centered identities in your leaders, your peers, and those whom God has entrusted to you—while at the same time, developing and growing your own. You’ll learn the basics of Christian counseling through the ministry of Jesus’ work on the cross, and discover the importance of God’s Word in relational ministry.

Order Elyse Fitzpatrick’s Counseling bundle today.

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Logos Staff

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