In this Faithlife Live webinar, hear from Christian apologist, evangelist, and writer Josh McDowell, best known for his book Evidence That Demands a Verdict. Josh shares what he sees coming out of the current coronavirus pandemic—good, bad, and...
Dr. Michael Heiser discusses the topic of Bible translations (0:10), and Joshua Jipp talks about the importance of being part of a spiritual community (3:37). Learn to use biblical Greek and Hebrew Whether you want to learn Greek and Hebrew for the...
Ryan Nelson discusses the importance of apologetics and being able to discuss faith with others (:10), and Dr. Michael Heiser discusses God as man in the Old Testament (2:50). Start studying apologetics Challenges to Christianity come from a...
Dr. Erika Moore talks about her work on the Psalms (0:10), and Dr. Mark Futato explains the meaning of “bless” in Genesis (1:45). Dive into the Psalms Explore the Psalms with a blend of exegesis and historical commentary in The Psalms as Christian...
In this Logos Live webinar, hear from Mike Licona, who will discuss why reading the Gospels as first-century biographies of Jesus that conform to the literary conventions of that era explains why they often tell the same story differently. Mike is a...
Dr. Bock talks about his work as a professor and pastor, including his approach to topical preaching (0:10), and Dr. David deSilva gives an overview of idol worship in ancient Ephesus (4:30). Learn how to study the Bible with Dr. Bock Dr. Darrell...
Dr. Joshua Jipp highlights some key insights from the book of Acts (0:10), and an animated look at John 1:1–5 (3:00). Study Colossians with Dr. Jipp In this course, Dr. Joshua Jipp takes you through each passage of Colossians, identifying important...
Hear the story behind Dr. Michael Allen’s book Justification and the Gospel (:10), and the Logos Pros show you how to use Bible Book Guides in Logos (3:18). Keep learning about justification If you appreciated Dr. Michael Allen’s perspective...
Faithlife Live is our live, cross-denominational show that features in-depth conversations with key ministry leaders on deep, theological topics. In this week’s Faithlife Live, join Sam Storms for a discussion on spiritual gifts. He’ll...
Dr. Steve Runge discusses verses like Romans 8:28 that create challenges for Bible translators (:10), and get an animated look at Psalm 36:5–9 (2:50). Get more insight into Romans with High Definition Commentary: Romans If you want more of Dr...
See why Bible scholar Mark Futato says it’s important to study Hebrew (0:10), and Dr. Carl Sanders explains what evangelical theology is (4:10). Start learning Biblical Hebrew with Dr. Futato With this bundle, you’ll gain insight into...
UN Ambassador Ibi talks about expressing his faith through art (0:10), and the Logos Pro team talks about using the Multi-View Resources tool when studying Scripture with Logos Bible Software (6:10). Explore the role of creativity in the Christian...
John Walton explains the interaction between God’s world and God’s Word (0:10), followed by an animated video highlighting why the cultural context of Scripture matters to modern readers (5:10). Study the culture and context of the Old Testament To...
Dr. Andrew Naselli summarizes the entire Bible in one sentence (:10), and a Logos Pro teaches how to use the Proverbs Explorer tool (2:05). Study the New Testament with Dr. Andrew Naselli Introducing the New Testament: A Short Guide to Its History...
Kristen Tetteh talks about how Faithlife Proclaim increases biblical literacy and collaboration in churches (0:10), and a Monday Minute provides a tip for saving time by reusing work in Proclaim (3:30). Get beautiful church presentations with...
Faithlife Live is our live, cross-denominational show that features in-depth conversations with key ministry leaders on deep, theological topics. In this Faithlife Live, join Paul Miller for a discussion on the importance of prayer in the...
See how Logos Bible Software fuels the Christian band Beautiful Eulogy (0:10), and explore ancient literature with a Logos Pro (2:36).
Dr. Lynn Cohick, professor of New Testament at Wheaton College, discusses key themes and texts in the book of Acts (:10), and the band The Royal Royal gives a rooftop performance in Bellingham, WA (3:15). Keep learning about the story and structure...
Dr. Tim Clinton recommends essential resources for those interested in Christian counseling (0:10), and Dr. Ronn Johnson discusses the doctrine of atonement (2:20). Dr. Clinton’s top Christian counseling resources Take a look at...
Dr. Nicholas Perrin provides an overview to the Gospel of Thomas (0:10), and Faithlife’s animation team provides a stunning animation of Colossians 1:15–16 (4:00). Explore the Gospel of Thomas with Dr. Perrin Thomas: The Other Gospel tells the...
Richard Gaffin discusses translating the works of Geerhardus Vos (0:10), and Dr. Morven Baker discusses why Ruth is her favorite book of the Bible (3:10). A premier Reformed thinker Dr. Michael Horton says, “Like books, people can become...
Old Testament scholar Dr. Erika Moore talks about the books that have influenced her the most (:10), and a mini-documentary explores the cultural context of Acts 19 and the goddess, Artemis (1:50).
Dr. Craig Blomberg discusses why we can believe the Bible (:10), and Ryan Nelson talks about how Flavius Josephus influences our understanding of the New Testament. See why we can still trust Scripture Challenges to the reliability of Scripture are...
Dr. Michael Licona talks about the struggles with doubting your faith (:10), and Todd Bishop offers a Logos Pro tip on using the LXX Translation Ring (4:10). Study apologetics with Dr. Licona and others Discover various approaches to sharing your...
The One-Minute Apologist Bobby Conway talks about loving non-believers with our minds (0:10), and Dr. Steve Runge shares a lesson from the Faithlife Language Lab (3:22).
An interview with Sean McDowell on the topic of homosexuality (:10), and a visit to the Faithlife Language Lab with Dr. Steve Runge on Greek prepositions (7:35). Learn how to talk about homosexuality from Sean McDowell Get equipped to respond...
In this webinar, hear from worship leaders Shane & Shane who discuss their process of writing worship songs and the centrality of Scripture as well as how their ministry, the Worship Initiative, resources the Church. Head to
The coronavirus has impacted the Church in unprecedented ways. In this Faithlife Live, N. T. Wright discusses a different perspective for responding to the pandemic, why it’s important to be rooted in Scripture, and how to carry out the Church’s...
Dr. Roger Olson discusses predestination and Calvinism (0:10), and Elliot Ritzema shares about the Spurgeon commentary series (2:00). Explore Dr. Olson’s argument against Calvinism Dr. Olson holds degrees from Rice University, North American...
Bobby Conway talks about the One-Minute Apologist and how it got its start (0:10), and Dr. Steve Runge talks about questioning our own expectations when interpreting the Bible (4:00). Keep learning from Dr. Conway with Introducing Evangelism Gain...