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2 Types of Blessings in Genesis

Faithlife Today Man Notes x

Dr. Erika Moore talks about her work on the Psalms (0:10), and Dr. Mark Futato explains the meaning of “bless” in Genesis (1:45).

Dive into the Psalms

Explore the Psalms with a blend of exegesis and historical commentary in The Psalms as Christian Worship and its sequel, The Psalms as Christian Lament. Bruce Waltke, who has been teaching and preaching the book of Psalms for over fifty years, skillfully establishes the meaning of the Hebrew text through the careful exegesis for which he is well known. James Houston traces the Church’s historical interpretation and use of these psalms, highlighting their deep spiritual significance to Christians through the ages.
While much modern scholarship has tended to “despiritualize” the Psalms, this collaboration by three evangelical scholars carefully attends to the two voices of the Holy Spirit—heard infallibly in Scripture and edifyingly in the Church’s response.

Get The Psalms as Christian Worship and The Psalms as Christian Lament today!

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Logos Staff

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