Ryan Nelson discusses the importance of apologetics and being able to discuss faith with others (:10), and Dr. Michael Heiser discusses God as man in the Old Testament (2:50).
Start studying apologetics
Challenges to Christianity come from a variety of people and belief systems, and Christians are continually searching for the appropriate responses to critics of their faith. The Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics is a definitive one-volume resource designed to equip believers for Christian defense against the full range of opposing arguments.
This comprehensive reference volume examines every key issue, person, and concept related to Christian apologetics. Written entirely by leading apologist Norman Geisler, it stands as the culmination of the author’s lifelong career and ministry.
Get the Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics today.
Take Dr. Heiser’s course on the Trinity in the Old Testament
In this revealing course, Dr. Michael Heiser illuminates the Old Testament basis for the Christian Godhead. Heiser reveals how God was cast as more than one person in the Old Testament, and how New Testament writers applied those descriptions to Jesus. Dive into Old Testament theology and powerful descriptions of God, and discover foundational truths for apologetics and Jewish evangelism. Dr. Heiser holds a PhD in Hebrew Bible and Semitic languages, making him an excellent Old Testament guide.
Get The Jewish Trinity: How the Old Testament Reveals the Christian Godhead.