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Reflections on Faith, Freedom, and Our Future in Heaven

This article is part two of a three-part miniseries on Memorial Day. It is written by special guest Jeff Struecker. Read more about his story in part one, “Remember America’s Heroes.”

I spent almost 23 years in the US Army. For nearly all of those years I had the privilege of serving in special operations or airborne units. I could go through the list of accomplishments that no one is concerned with—more than 300 jumps, more than 15 combat deployments to five war zones, lots of opportunities to do difficult or dangerous training. But what I cherish most are the relationships that I developed in the Army.


God gave me some pretty incredible opportunities while I was in the US military. For most of my Army career I had the privilege of serving with some of the greatest warriors our country has ever known. Oh, I went through some difficult training. I went through some long, hard nights. I spent a lot of time away from my family. However, I also had the opportunity to rub shoulders with great men. Men who helped forge me into the man that I am today.


Some of these men I am closer to than my own family; guys who fought and bled next to me in war, guys who were there when I needed them most. I’m specifically thinking of guys that served with me in Black Hawk Down right now. This was one of those moments when a hand full of men held off an entire city for the sake of their comrades.

Our Future in Heaven

I feel closer to Heaven now than ever before because of the intense combat experiences that I’ve been through. My faith in Jesus is stronger now because he has sustained me through some dark nights. Freedom is more precious to me after seeing the price that men and women were willing to pay to fight for it.

When I reflect on Memorial Day, I think about faith, I think about freedom, and I think about my future in heaven.


Ministry can be some of the most time-consuming and exhausting work. There’s always another couple to counsel, another crisis to be involved with, another study to lead, and another meeting to attend.

That’s why we partnered with Jeff Struecker, a long-time Logos user, to help personally craft the Logos 6 Chaplain’s Library. Together, we created this resource for those ministering during a crisis, quickly preparing a sermon for a diverse audience, or navigating complex counseling issues. If you are a chaplain, pastor, or just counseling those you care about, the Chaplain’s Library is for you. It will save you time and give you the answers you need.

In honor of Memorial Day, from now until May 25 you can get 15% off this incredible base package.

Shop the Logos Memorial Day Sale today for dozens more great deals on counseling resources.

Written by
Simon Villeneuve

Simon is an American family-man and businessman. He's married to his middle-school sweetheart and has four children, four-and-under.

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Written by Simon Villeneuve