We’re familiar with a topical index, which appears in the back of many print Bibles. For example, let’s say we want to find verses dealing with the subject of angels. We turn to that topic in the index to discover verses the publisher of the Bible...
If you’ve upgraded to Logos 10, hopefully you’ve discovered one of the big changes is simplified searching. Searching is still just as powerful, but ideally much easier when it comes to creating detailed search queries. There are searching...
For many years, we’ve been able to conduct a case sensitive search in Logos. With the release of Logos 10, that search is now easier. Let’s imagine we want to locate the places in Paul’s writings where our specific Bible translation contains the...
Logos 10 has arrived! The new and improved version is simpler to use so that everyday Christians, small group leaders, students, professors, and pastors can easily uncover insights in the Word of God. Here are few highlights we’re particularly...
I knew the NICOT and NICNT commentary series appeared often on bestcommentaries.com, but I was curious to see just how they stacked up, so I did some digging. A few titles especially stood out, and I highlight them below. Beneath that, I include the...
What you’ll see in this Logos Live episode Watch Kristie Anyabwile and Mark Ward discuss Kristie’s new book, Literarily: How Understanding Bible Genres Transforms Bible Study. To catch all of our Logos Lives, follow us on Facebook or...
As Easter approaches, there’s no better time to reflect on the power and glory of the resurrection through Scripture. To start, Charles Spurgeon gives five Easter Bible verses when explaining the importance of the resurrection. (Hover over...
As a first-time counselor at a Christian camp this past summer, I recognized the importance of having a full “toolbox” to draw from while speaking to the campers entrusted to my care. There were several times when I could quote a verse but failed to...
Sometimes, it can feel like you need a seminary education to dig deep in the Word. But, thankfully, there’s an easier (and much cheaper) way. With Logos Bible Software, you can study the Bible in-depth without getting overwhelmed because...
Today’s post continues Logos Talk’s Christmas Bible study. Check back throughout December for more ways to study the birth of Jesus! The angel Gabriel is one of the prominent characters in the Nativity narrative. He’s remembered as the angel who...
LISSA M. WRAY BEAL | PROVIDENCE UNIVERSITY The Old Testament speaks of the importance of memory. For instance, Deuteronomy repeatedly calls for remembrance (5:15; 7:18; 8:18 et passim), Israel recounts its history in Psalms (105, 106), and failure...
Imagine this scenario: As you’re embarking on a study of Acts, you want to survey your Acts commentaries. So as a dutiful Logos user you execute a library search for those resources discovering you have several. One by one you open them...
Dr. Rebekah Josberger dives into the Sabbath, explaining why it matters and how her family honors it today (0:10), and the Logos Pros show you how to search everything in your Logos library at once (8:25). Learn more about the Sabbath Are Christians...
Dr. Craig Blomberg shares insights from 1 Corinthians (:10), and the Logos Pro team teaches how to incorporate the most important documents in Church history (creeds and confessions) into Bible study (1:45). Study 1 Corinthians with Dr. Craig...
Christianity Today calls it “a roaring success.” Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society says, “It is the kind of commentary that should be in all church libraries as well as in homes of persons who care to understand the Bible beyond...
See how Logos Bible Software fuels the Christian band Beautiful Eulogy (0:10), and explore ancient literature with a Logos Pro (2:36).
The Bible isn’t a collection of inspirational thoughts like pearls on a string. The human authors present logical positions and arguments. One of the most important aspects of Bible study is understanding an author’s line of thinking, and Logos...
Dr. Andrew Peterson discusses the intersection of technology and education (:10), and then, discover Logos features that give deeper theological insights (4:55). Learn more about the use of technology in Christian education You just saw a preview of...
Kristen Schafer shares how she uses Logos reading plans to stay connected with friends throughout the country (0:10), and Todd Bishop shares how to use Exegetical Guides in Logos (4:05). Access Reading Plans in Logos—free Both of the features...
Preaching expert Bryan Chapell talks about his ministry (0:10), and Todd Bishop shows how to use the Visual Copy feature in Logos (4:55).
With the somewhat new Logos Bible Software installation process, we now have the option of just downloading some of our resources during the initial installation. In light of that, I recently received this scenario from a fellow Logos user: Now that...
As the Christmas season is upon us you’ll no doubt be reading, studying, and/or teaching passages such as Matthew 2 and Luke 2. In light of that, I want to encourage you to use several resources you most likely own: Faithlife Study Bible Lexham...
I want to make you aware of a small, but very important tweak made to Logos Bible Software: Study Bible has been added as a Type in the Library. Let’s take a look: Click the Library icon in the upper left of the program Click the Sidebar icon in the...
I’ve always thought my dad is the coolest of the cool. He’s rocked a beard for thirty years, expertly mows the lawn in dark socks, can fix anything with a zip-tie, and works the grill like Bobby Flay. He’s also modeled what it means to love Jesus...
The number-one obstacle to improving Faithlife software is a shortage of awesome software developers. And they may be hiding in your church, school, or neighborhood. We need your help to find them—and we’ll pay you for it! Refer a software developer...
Imagine sitting down with one of the world’s most respected New Testament scholars and asking him questions about everything from Ezekiel’s vision or the cryptic language of Revelation 14, to how we can understand difficult passages in the Gospel of...
Whether you already have thousands of books in your Logos library or are just getting started with Logos for the first time, it’s worth taking a look at the libraries in Logos 7 base packages. Not only can you get hundreds or even thousands of...
Why is the most important Christian holiday not mentioned by name in the Bible? Actually, the word “Easter” does appear in the Bible, but only once—and only in one translation. Among all major English translations of the Scripture, only the King...
When you study with Logos and present with Proclaim, you don’t have to spend hours preparing your sermon and then hours preparing your slides. You can get ready for the service while you study for your sermon. Add quotes to your sermon while you...
Today’s guest post is by Pastor Sam Luce of Redeemer Church in Utica, New York. Sam has been a pastor for 17 years—14 of which he served as a children’s pastor. He received his BA in theology from Portland Bible College, and he’s...