Anglican? Is that like Episcopalian? What's the difference? On one level, there is a general confusion as to what these words mean in their historical and grammatical sense. On...
Anglican? Is that like Episcopalian? What's the difference? On one level, there is a general confusion as to what these words mean in their historical and grammatical sense. On...
American Christianity is, in many ways, a cultural and denominational hodgepodge. Colonization led to certain emphases among American Presbyterians, Anglicans, and Baptists. And as Pentecostalism, Methodism, and others were added to the American...
As a Catholic, I’m delighted when non-Catholic Christians ask me about what Catholics believe and why. I find that many of those questions involve the relationship of the Catholic Church to the Bible. There are many misconceptions and caricatures...
For five hundred years, the term “Lutheran” has served variously as a badge of confession for a specific definition of Christian, for Martin Luther’s supporters, as a word of...
This article explains the distinctive beliefs of the Methodist branches of Christianity, answers common questions, and shares the best resources for Methodist and Wesleyan Bible studies.
What is the Orthodox Church? And how do Orthodox Christians approach the study of Scripture? For many believers outside of Orthodoxy, Orthodox Christianity seems exotic and...
Orthodox Christianity makes the bold claim of being the original Christian Church and the original Christian faith. How does this shape how Orthodox approach Bible study? Orthodox...
What is Calvinism? Any attempt to give just one answer is sure to be wrong. Calvinism is not a church or a denomination. Calvinism is not even (just) a system of doctrine...
What is Reformed theology? In the land where the Azusa Street Revival, International Church of the Foursquare Gospel, Calvary Chapel, and Saddleback Church had their birth and...
We've put together a handy flowchart! Please keep in mind, some denominational labels appear in more than one place because denominations are complex. Diagrams of this sort naturally cannot please all. Some decisions were made for the sake of visual simplicity. Have fun with it.
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