Whether you already have thousands of books in your Logos library or are just getting started with Logos for the first time, it’s worth taking a look at Logos Legacy Libraries. Legacy Libraries are the library portion of past Logos packages—the...
Finding appropriate Mother’s Day sermon ideas isn’t always easy. Let’s face it—Mother’s Day can be a tricky day to preach on. The pastor-preacher has to stand in front of a congregation and find something special to say to connect with the hearts of...
A Bible concordance is simply a reference tool in which words from a particular translation of Scripture are arranged alphabetically in a kind of index—often accompanied by words from the immediate context of each use. Scripture references are...
What is Pentecost in the Bible? Most people associate it with the New Testament: the day God poured out his Holy Spirit on the Jerusalem church in the Upper Room, enabling his disciples to perform incredible acts—like healings, speaking in tongues...
What is the Logos Bible Study app? The Logos Bible Study app contains a powerful Bible study and sermon prep platform that allows you to study Scripture and consult commentaries, devotionals, Bible dictionaries, and more—all from your computer...
Understanding the Trinity—one God in three persons (Father, Son, and Spirit)—takes us into deep theological waters, where the simplest math fails us: 1 + 1 + 1 = 1. Even though the word “Trinity” never appears in any Bible verses, God reveals...
The significance of Palm Sunday was lost on me as a child. I suspect it’s lost on most Christian adults, too. My first memories of Palm Sunday were of sitting patiently in Sunday school next to my friends, holding palm fronds.
It’s women’s history month—and March 8 was International Women’s Day. To celebrate, we’re highlighting 20 Christian women in Church history who served God in both extraordinary and ordinary ways. 1. Priscilla (first century AD) Though the Bible...
The word “exegesis” might sound fancy, but its meaning is simple—and the act of doing it is paramount for understanding the Word of God by which followers of Jesus live and breathe.
What is Ash Wednesday? Also called Day of Ashes, Ash Wednesday marks the first day of Lent—the 40 weekdays before Easter for Catholic, Orthodox, and some Protestant believers. Many Protestants in less liturgical churches or people outside the faith...
Knowing how to teach kids about God might seem daunting, but it’s easier than you might think. Here’s why it’s important—and how to do it.
Learn what a free Bible app is, why you should use one, and which Bible app is the best for you.
Seminary will challenge you beyond what you might imagine—spiritually, intellectually, and even physically. For me, going to seminary was the hardest and most wonderful experience of my life. Whether you are already going to seminary or plan to...
What is the Talmud? Is it the same as the Mishnah and Gemara? Explore answers to these questions and if Christians should study it.
Sometimes Wisdom Literature can be confusing or wrongly understood through the lens of modern-day culture and context. Yet there is much we can glean from the wisdom of generations of God’s people when those books of the Bible are rightly studied...
Explore what Bible translation is and the value of using different kinds of Bible translations (including helpful charts).
Learn what systematic theology means, the different areas of systematic theology, why Christians should study systematic theology, and more.
Learn about about the biblical illiteracy epidemic in the church and what you can do to reverse the decline.
Most New Testament readers are likely familiar with the concept of resurrection: Jesus, of course, resurrected from the dead, but he also raised to life Jairus’ daughter (Mark 5:21–24), the son of the widow of Nain (Luke 7:1–17), and Lazarus (John...
“Christine Helmer’s The Trinity and Martin Luther prompted a new interest in the classical roots of the Reformation. This new and updated edition of Helmer’s seminal work discusses the most recent scholarship, offering a cutting...
The Bible establishes specific qualifications for pastors (see 1 Pet 5:3, 1 Tim 3:2–7, Titus 1:8, Eph 6:4). But above all, they are to “set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity” (1 Tim. 4:12)—a tall...
Today is a day set aside to remember one of the most somber events in history. International Holocaust Day commemorates the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau and honors the 6 million Jewish victims of the Holocaust and millions of...
If you’re like me, you probably set out each new year with lofty Bible study goals. And then, well—life happens. A few random distractions can quickly turn much-intended goals into a nice idea shelved for next year.
Bible commentaries are one of the best tools to have on hand when doing deeper Bible study, researching for a paper, or prepping for a sermon. They can bring clarity to language issues, affirm interpretation, bring deeper insight into what a book or...
Did you know it’s easy to find Jesus in the Old Testament? Once you know how to look, you’ll find him everywhere—through prophecies, typology, and much more.
Explore the 5 Solas of the Reformation—what they are and how they dramatically impacted modern Christianity.
There’s an interesting passage in 1 Samuel 8 that has made me wonder: Did Israel fully understand that God was their king? It’s easy pass over, but when unpacked a bit, two verses turn out to be a hinge in this part of the story of Israel: The...
Learn what online Bible dictionaries are and how to use them to radically enhance your time in the Word—plus explore some of our favorites.
Wondering how you can prepare for seminary? Perhaps you are like I was . . . excited but nervous. I knew my classes would be rewarding but potentially challenging. I entered seminary as a blank slate. I had never studied Hebrew or Greek, nor did I...
I have two young adult children, and as they finished high school, I remember feeling the weight of knowing I hadn’t equipped them well enough to process many issues they would face that could potentially challenge their beliefs. I had tried my...