For more than a decade now, I have trained pastors and students to leverage Logos for their study of the Bible, including sermon preparation and planning. Over the years, I have heard the same concern time and again: many professionals study the...
Nothing gets to the heart of who God is more than his generosity. From the first chapters of Genesis—when God creates the world for humanity to steward—to the last chapters of Revelation—where God recreates the world for humanity—God gives. God...
It was an innocent question, “Will you use sermon slides when you preach?” I was a first-year seminary student asking a recent graduate embarking on his first pastoral position. The curtness of his answer surprised me, “Not on...
In my previous article in this two-part series, I offered my thoughts on John Piper’s recent off-hand comments about Logos and BDAG. While very appreciative of Piper’s love for Logos, I argued that BDAG may be more useful to more people than his...
It takes hours to prepare a sermon—then it’s preached in less than one. And in a few days, even the most intent listeners won’t remember what they learned. How can you help make sure your sermons have a chance at being remembered and, more...
A long search for church media isn’t fun. Finding the right media fast? We can all get behind that. With Proclaim’s church presentation software, you can easily find and add media to your service presentations, whether you’re looking for...
There seem to be countless sermon illustrations on faith—but some are better than others. Find six memorable ones below! 1. Sermon illustration on enduring faith From Nelson’s Complete Book of Stories, Illustrations & Quotes: Faith honors...
Have you ever reread a line in an email and thought, “Yikes. That’s not how I wanted it to come across”? (Please say it’s not just me . . . ) The same thing can happen with sermons. Preachers know their people-loving, mission-minded intentions for...
Proclaim makes it easy to record your sermons, and publishing them online or in a podcast is nearly effortless. But what if you want to review your sermons with staff, a mentor, or on your own? Or, more importantly, what’s the best way for...
Anyone who has ever missed a week of school knows what it feels like to be a church visitor walking in on the end of a sermon series. They look around the room and wonder, “Does everyone else know what he’s talking about? Am I the only...