Edit your sermon transcript
Because the transcript is computer-generated, errors may occur.
To edit for accuracy, simply click Edit transcript and double-click a word to edit. Then click Done when you’re finished.
How to get this feature
Automatic sermon transcription opens new possibilities for what you can do with your sermons.
It’s primarily a feature of Faithlife Sermons, so start a free trial or subscribe to access it.
For even more automation, use Proclaim as well. In Proclaim you can automatically record and publish your sermons, so it’s simply a matter of checking a box before you hit Publish. Then you’ll see your transcript ready and waiting for you in Sermons.
Start a Faithlife Sermons trial.
Start a Faithlife Proclaim trial.
You get your first three sermons transcribed free and can purchase transcription credits anytime in Proclaim or Sermons.