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Coronavirus y Cristo

ISBN: 9781950417278


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En Coronavirus y Cristo, John Piper invita a lectores alrededor del mundo a anclar sus vidas en la Roca sólida de Jesucristo. Nuestras almas solo pueden ser sostenidas por un Dios soberano que ordena, gobierna y reina sobre todas las cosas y que cumple todos Sus buenos propósitos para los que confían en Él.

Top Highlights

“Nuestra esperanza no está en las probabilidades. Nuestra esperanza está en Dios.” (source)

“El dolor físico es el trompetazo de Dios que nos dice que hay un problema serio en el mundo” (source)

“La perspectiva bíblica de la fe no es un salto al vacío. Es segura y tiene un cimiento firme. Se llama fe no porque le falte un fundamento. Se llama fe porque requiere confianza. Jesús no llamó ciegos a los creyentes; pero sí llamó ciegos a los incrédulos (Mt 15:14). ‘Aunque miran, no ven’ (Mt 13:13). La fe salvadora en la Palabra de Dios se basa en ‘ver’; ver de verdad.” (source)

“No temas. En la vida o en la muerte, estarás conmigo. Mientras tanto, mientras vivas, no te va a pasar nada —¡nada!— que Yo no designe. Si Yo lo decido, vivirás. Si Yo lo decido, morirás. Y hasta que Yo determine que mueras, decidiré si haces esto o aquello. Ponte a trabajar’.” (source)

“John Piper, esto no es un castigo. En la vida o en la muerte, estarás conmigo” (source)

Product Details

  • Title : Coronavirus y Cristo
  • Author: Piper, John
  • Publisher: Poiema Publicaciones
  • Publication Date: 2020
  • ISBN: 9781950417278
John Piper

John Piper (b. 1946) is a widely respected theologian and bestselling author who serves as founder and lead teacher at Desiring God and is chancellor of Bethlehem College & Seminary. For 33 years, Piper served as pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church. He has authored more than 50 books, and more than 30 years of his preaching and writing are available free of charge at desiringGod.org. Piper resides in the Minneapolis area with his wife of 51 years, and has five children and 14 grandchildren.

Piper attended Wheaton College where he majored in literature and minored in philosophy. He completed his Bachelor of Divinity at Fuller Theological Seminary, where he studied under Dr. Daniel Fuller. Piper received his Doctorate in Theology from the University of Munich and taught biblical studies for six years at Bethel College.

In 1994, Piper founded Desiring God Ministries, which provides Piper’s sermons, articles, and information on titles he has authored. One of his bestsellers, Desiring God: Meditations of a Christian Hedonist, prompted the name of the ministry.

Several of Piper’s books have been Evangelical Christian Publishers Association Christian book award winners including What Jesus Demands from the World, Pierced by the Word, and God’s Passion for His Glory. The Crossway John Piper Collection (39 vols.) includes 39 titles from Piper, including Love Your Enemies and A Hunger for God. His preaching ministry of more than 30 years is available in the John Piper Sermon Archive (1980–2014).

Hear how Piper uses Logos for his Bible Study.


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  1. Abnel Calzadilla
  2. Aner Josué Jara Rodríguez
  3. Pedro A. Perez
  4. Jorge Villalobos
  5. roberto coronado
  6. Frank Nieves

    Frank Nieves


  7. eddy garcia

    eddy garcia


  9. David Chable

    David Chable


  10. jaime alvarez

    jaime alvarez

