Digital Logos Edition
Thomas F. Torrance’s work regarding science and theology is a noted contribution to Christian apologetics and philosophy. Moreover, his work as a systematic theologian has also impacted those in the Reformed tradition. Torrance studied with Karl Barth in Basel, Switzerland early in his career, and was an editor for Barth’s Church Dogmatics and the translation of John Calvin’s New Testament Commentaries. This library collects Torrance’s thoughts about ecclesiology, the incarnation, and the relationship between science and theology, as well as his historical studies of Calvin’s view of man and the Church Fathers’ understanding of grace. Torrance’s works are filled with foundational concepts for Christians and are marked by his clear, inventive approach and a deep understanding of historical theology.
Torrance is lauded as one of the twentieth century’s most significant theological minds, and he wrote on a variety of subjects, breaking new ground in multiple disciplines. This collection provides a panoramic presentation of his works, including a practical guide, a philosophical view of Christian theology and scientific understanding, and a focused study of his theology’s effect on ecumenism. Better understand the meaning of the Incarnation and its role in removing dualism as an option for Christian believers. Read Torrance’s later works on the trinity, the mature gleanings from of a lifetime of theological meditation. Get to know Torrance’s thoughts and learn what doctrines he found to be most important for a Christian living as if God is present in the world he created.
Interested in T.F. Torrance? Check out the Princeton Monographs on T.F. Torrance (2 vols.).
Thomas F. Torrance is one of the premier theologians in the second half of the twentieth century.
—Elmer Coyer, How to Read T.F. Torrance: Understanding His Trinitarian & Scientific Theology
Thomas F. Torrance (1913-2007) was one of the most important Reformed theologians of his era. Known for his own considerable efforts in Christian theology, Torrance also notably served as one of the editors for Karl Barth’s Church Dogmatics. He has authored several works, including Divine and Contingent Order, Ground and Grammar of Theology, Space, Time and Incarnation, and The Christian Doctrine of God, One Being Three Persons.
Torrance was born in China in 1913 to missionary parents. For nearly 30 years until his retirement in 1979 he was professor of Christian dogmatics (“systematic theology”) at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. A prolific writer on many topics, he published numerous books and papers on the "Philosophy of Theology" dealing with the epistemology of theological concepts and with the relation of theology to natural science. In 1976 to 1977 Torrance served as moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, and in 1978 he was awarded the Templeton Prize for Progress in Religion.
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William Corbett
Gary Deddo
Matthew Bostwick
Jerome Smith
Brian Miller
Ian Carmichael