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Products>Paul Was Not a Christian: The Original Message of a Misunderstood Apostle

Paul Was Not a Christian: The Original Message of a Misunderstood Apostle

, 2024
ISBN: 9780061990205


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Pamela Eisenbaum, an expert on early Christianity, reveals the true nature of the historical Paul in Paul Was Not a Christian. She explores the idea of Paul not as the founder of a new Christian religion, but as a devout Jew who believed Jesus was the Christ who would unite Jews and Gentiles and fulfill God’s universal plan for humanity. Eisenbaum’s work in Paul Was Not a Christian  will have a profound impact on the way many Christians approach evangelism and how to better follow Jesus’s—and Paul’s—teachings on how to live faithfully today.

  • Title: Paul Was Not a Christian: The Original Message of a Misunderstood Apostle
  • Author: Pamela Eisenbaum
  • Publisher: HarperOne
  • Print Publication Date: 2024
  • Logos Release Date: 2024
  • Language: English
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital › Ebook
  • ISBNs: 9780061990205, 9780061349911, 0061349917, 0061990205
  • Resource ID: LLS:9780061990205
  • Resource Type: Monograph
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2024-04-26T10:14:54Z

Pamela Eisenbaum began teaching at Iliff in January 1995. One of four Jewish New Testament scholars teaching in Christian theological schools, she is the author of The Jewish Heroes of Christian History: Hebrews 11 in Literary Context, and Invitation to Romans. She is a contributor to the Women’s Bible Commentary and the Oxford Access Bible, and has published many essays on the Bible, ancient Judaism and the origins of Christianity. She is an active member of the Society of Biblical Literature, as well as the Auburn Media Speaker’s Bureau. In addition to her appointment at Iliff, she is an affiliate faculty member of the Center for Judaic Studies at the University of Denver. A passion for working with ancient manuscripts has increasingly informed her research. Prof. Eisenbaum has experience working with the Dead Sea Scrolls and recently spent time at the Chester Beatty Library in Dublin studying the oldest surviving manuscript of Paul’s Letters (dated c. 200 C.E.). She appeared in the recent ABC documentary, “Jesus and Paul: The Word and the Witness” and is currently writing a book on Paul.


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