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Products>Life of Jesus: Who He Is and Why He Matters

Life of Jesus: Who He Is and Why He Matters

, 2010
ISBN: 9780310496854

Digital Logos Edition

Logos Editions are fully connected to your library and Bible study tools.



What really happened back in the first century, in Jerusalem and around the Sea of Galilee, that changed the shape of world history? Who is this figure that emerges from history to have a profound impact on culture, ethics, politics, and philosophy? Join historian John Dickson on this journey through the life of Jesus. Life of Jesus will help you dig deeper into what is known about Jesus’ life and why it matters.

Scripture references are linked directly to Greek and Hebrew texts, along with the English Bible translations of your choice. For any word in any language, you can double-click on that word and your digital library will automatically search your lexicons for a match. That gives you unprecedented access to linguistic data, along with all the tools you need for exegesis and interpretation.

Resource Experts
  • Exploration of Jesus’ life
  • Discussion guide
  • Leader’s Helps—challenges for each session

Top Highlights

“ criterion of multiple attestation says that when independent sources offer roughly the same portrait of an event” (Page 158)

“sceptics of religion today will not admit that they are sceptics for the same combination of reasons.” (Page 13)

“All of this we can affirm without recourse to religious faith.” (Page 29)

John Dickson is an engaging and gifted scholar whom I am privileged to work alongside in various global settings. His passion for history, keen knowledge of the Scriptures, and ability to communicate are truly inspiring. I am thrilled to see his unique work displayed in Life of Jesus and I know you will find this study equally fascinating.

—Ravi Zacharias, founder and chairman of the board, Ravi Zacharias International Ministries

John Dickson has done a marvelous job of presenting the story of Jesus, and the full meaning of that story, in a way that is both deeply faithful to the biblical sources and refreshingly relevant to tomorrow’s world and church. I strongly recommend this study to anyone who wants to re-examine the deep historical roots of Christian faith and to find them as life-giving as they ever were.

N. T. Wright, professor emeritus of New Testament and early christianity, St. Andrews University

John Dickson is a senior research fellow of the department of ancient history at Macquarie University. He is also codirector of the Center for Public Christianity and senior minister at St. Andrew’s Roseville. Dickson is the author of more than a dozen books, including The Christ Files: How Historians Know What They Know about Jesus, Life of Jesus: Who He Is and Why He Matters, and, with Chuck Pierce, The Worship Warrior.


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