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How the Bible Was Built

Digital Logos Edition

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Though it remains the world’s best-selling book, few people can say just how its writings were brought together. James Bennett and Charles Smith clearly tell the story of how the Bible came to be. Written by Smith in response to his granddaughter’s questions, the manuscript was discovered after Smith’s death and has been reworked by his friend James Bennett for a wider audience. Free of theological or sectarian slant, this volume provides a factual overview of the Bible’s construction throughout history, outlining how its various books were composed, collected, canonized, and translated.

Resource Experts
  • Reveals how the Bible was put together
  • Examines facts of biblical history
  • Presents the history of the Bible for a wide audience

Top Highlights

“‘What does the word bible mean?’ Hardly any of them will know that it comes from the Greek word biblion, which means ‘papyrus scroll.’” (Page 7)

“In a.d. 382, Jerome began his project of making an official Latin translation of the Bible. This, as we have mentioned, is the Vulgate, the great Bible of the Middle Ages, and still the official Bible of the Roman Catholic Church. Jerome, who did extensive research before he translated the Bible, decided on a New Testament which corresponds to the New Testament in Bishop Athanasius’ Easter letter.” (Page 68)

“So King Josiah began a program of religious reform. One of his first steps was to repair and rebuild the great Temple in Jerusalem. During the reconstruction, a priest of the Temple discovered, hidden away in some dark nook or cranny, the book that we now call Deuteronomy.” (Page 11)

“In the two hundred years following the discovery of the book of Deuteronomy, several other books were written which were recognized by the people as of great importance to their faith and life. We know these books as Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers.” (Page 14)

“Another group, called the Sadducees, similarly recognized only the Law as holy scripture. The Sadducees were the royal priests of the religion of Israel. They were the keepers and officials of the Great Temple in Jerusalem.” (Page 15)

James W. Bennett is the award-winning author of several young adult novels, including Old Hoss and The Squared Circle, as well as the spiritual memoir A Quiet Desperation.

Charles Merrill Smith was a United Methodist minister and is the well-known author of such books as How to Become a Bishop without Being Religious, When the Saints Go Marching Out, and the Reverend Randollph mystery series.


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