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The Eternal Church: A Prophetic Look at the Church—Her History, Restoration, and Destiny

ISBN: 0768421764

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Dr. Bill Hamon takes the reader on a journey throughout the history of the church. Beginning at the origination of the church in the first century, he proceeds to the deterioration of the church during the Middle Ages and the restoration of the church from the time of the reformation to present. He also explores the eternal destination of the church in the years to come, including the eternal ages. This unique perspective shows graphically the why’s as well as the what’s of church history. Bill Hamon is a valid modern prophet who writes the story of the church of Jesus Christ from the perspective of one who not only sees the past, but also has glimpses into the future.

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Top Highlights

“Adam was a created son by the hands and breath of God; Jesus was a generated Son, a seed from the loins of God. Jesus was the seed of Abraham by Mary, but He was the direct seed of God and the firstborn in the lineage of those who are spiritually born of God.” (Page 52)

“Jesus came to this earth for a specific purpose. It was not out of compulsion or constraint, but from compassion. He did not come just to save us from hell. He came to redeem us unto Himself. What He saved us for supersedes anything He saved us from.” (Page 17)

“From God’s perspective mankind came into existence because of God’s eternal plan for His Son and His Bride-to-Be. From man’s perspective Jesus came into existence as a mortal being because of mankind’s need for redemption. Both perspectives are true. It is just a matter of whether you are viewing it from God’s eternal plan or from man’s need.” (Page 53)

“The Greek word ekklesia is translated as ‘assembly’ three times and as ‘church’ 112 times.3 The word ekklesia is derived from ek (meaning ‘out’) and kaleo (meaning ‘to call’), denoting in historic Greek usage the assembly of citizens called out from their homes to gathering places for special purposes.” (Page 40)

“Water baptism is the experiential truth that buries the ‘old man’ and immerses the new creature ‘into’ Christ. Water baptism is where the Christian receives the ‘witness of the water’ in his relationship with Christ.” (Page 158)

  • Title: The Eternal Church: A Prophetic Look at the Church—Her History, Restoration, and Destiny
  • Author: Bill Hamon
  • Edition: Revised Edition
  • Publisher: Destiny Image
  • Print Publication Date: 2003
  • Logos Release Date: 2016
  • Language: English
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital › Logos Research Edition
  • Subjects: Church; Church history; Pentecostalism
  • ISBNs: 0768421764, 9780768421767
  • Resource Type: text.monograph.church-history
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2022-09-29T23:43:27Z


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