Fasting. Solitude. Contemplative prayer. Lectio divina. Have you heard about these practices and wanted to try them? Have you wandered from one practice to another not sure quite what to do? Are you overwhelmed by all the to-dos of your spiritual life? We have good desires—for a more intimate prayer life, perhaps, or deeper insight from God's Word—but we don't know how to get there. So we give up our pursuit, tired from wandering aimlessly, and end up feeling guilty and more distant from God instead of closer. In the Spiritual Disciplines Handbook Adele Calhoun gives us directions for our journey toward intimacy with Christ. While the word discipline may make us want to run and hide, the author shows how desires and discipline work together to lead us to the transformation we're longing for—the transformation only Christ can bring. Instead of just giving information about spiritual disciplines, this Handbook is full of practical, accessible guidance that helps you actually do them. Mothers, fathers, plumbers, nurses, students—we're all on a journey. And spiritual disciplines are for all of us who desire to know Christ deeply and be like him. Here is direction for our desire, leading us to the ultimate destination: more of Christ himself.
Acknowledgments The Spiritual Disciplines and Desires Introduction: Discovering Your Desire Part 1: Worship Celebration Gratitude Holy Communion Rule for Life Sabbath Worship Part 2: Open Myself to God Contemplation Examen Journaling Practicing the Presence Rest Retreat Self-Care Simplicity Slowing Teachability Unplugging Part 3: Relinquish the False Self Confession and Self-Examination Detachment Discernment Secrecy Silence Solitude Spiritual Direction SubmissionPart 4: Share My Life With Others Accountability Partner Chastity Community Covenant Group Discipling Hospitality Mentoring Service Small Group Spiritual Friendship Unity WitnessPart 5: Hear God's Word Bible Study Devotional Reading Meditation MemorizationPart 6: Incarnate the Love of Christ Care of the Earth Compassion Control of the Tongue Humility Justice Stewardship Truth TellingPart 7: Pray Breath Prayer Centering Prayer Contemplative Prayer Conversational Prayer Fasting Fixed-Hour Prayer Inner-Healing Prayer Intercessory Prayer Labyrinth Prayer Liturgical Prayer Prayer Partners Praying Scripture Prayer of Recollection Prayer Walking Appendix 1: Spiritual Growth Planner Appendix 2: A Series on Spiritual Disciplines for the Congregation Appendix 3: Suggestions for Spiritual Mentors Appendix 4: Using the Spiritual Disciplines Handbook with Small Groups Appendix 5: Names for Worshiping God Appendix 6: One Anothers Appendix 7: Postures for Prayer Appendix 8: Spending Time with God Appendix 9: Suggestions for Fasting Prayer for the Church Appendix 10: Seasons, Stages and Ages of Transformation Glossary Bibliography Index of Spiritual Disciplines
"We are living at a time when the Prostestant church is rediscovering the truth that transformation in Christ occurs through the disciplines of formation. Finally, Adele Calhoun has pulled all of these together into one volume, complete with clear definitions and practices of a variety of ways that God uses to grow our lives. No longer do you have to root through scattered pieces of paper, nor a chapter here and there to get the big picture of the tried and true disciplines. This is one resource you will want to have at your fingertips."
"I love this book! Adele has provided a treasure trove of spiritual disciplines that will nourish your soul, striking a delicate balance between accessibility and depth that comes from her own faithful practice. Read it, engage the disciplines and allow God to transform you in the deepest levels of your being."
"I have long profited from Adele Ahlberg Calhoun's gifts in the field of spiritual development, and I am delighted that she has compiled her experience with spiritual disciplines into book form. I highly recommend it and I look forward to using it as a resource at our church."