Digital Logos Edition
Discover the importance of theological interpretation. Though there is a large body of material on the theological interpretation of Scripture, most of it is highly specific and extremely technical. J. Todd Billings provides a straightforward entryway for students and pastors to understand why theological interpretation matters and how it can be done. A solid, constructive theological work, The Word of God for the People of God presents a distinctive Trinitarian, participatory approach toward reading Scripture. Billings’ accessible yet substantial argument for a theological hermeneutic is rooted in a historic vision of the practice of scriptural interpretation. It engages a wide range of contemporary issues and includes several exegetical examples that apply to concrete Christian ministry situations.
Interested in more? Be sure to check out Union with Christ: Reframing Theology and Ministry for the Church.
“For Reformers such as Luther and Calvin, sola Scriptura was not an appeal to the neutrality of readers, as if we should read the Bible without theological preunderstandings. Rather, it was an appeal to the Bible as the primary source and final authority for one’s theological affirmations.” (Pages 21–22)
“Interpreting Scripture cannot be reduced to method or technique, because it is nothing less than a part of our life of participation in Christ through the Spirit, a means by which God nurtures our love of God and neighbor.” (Page 195)
“Living in the rule of faith means that we know where the center of Scripture is, and where the limits for our journey are. As Christians, our map for the journey is that Jesus Christ is the road, the Spirit is the one who illuminates and empowers, and we are on the way to a transforming vision of the triune God.” (Page 27)
“We are people who interpret Scripture ‘in Christ,’ as those united to the living Christ by the Holy Spirit’s mediation and power.” (Page xiii)
“Following Augustine’s general approach, I am suggesting that what is central is that we find salvation in Jesus Christ, and that we are empowered by the Holy Spirit to walk the transforming road of life in Christ, which leads to a vision of the triune God. Along the way, we are rediscovering our true selves, who we were created to be: persons who love God and neighbor.” (Page 24)