Digital Logos Edition
What Is the Church? is Regis Martin’s meditation on the beauty and depth of the Catholic Church. Martin presents a faithful ecclesiology in simple, accessible terms that are solidly orthodox and universal in outlook. This work is perfect for anyone who wishes to understand more deeply what it means to be Catholic.
Deepen your understanding of Catholic theology with A Manual of Catholic Theology.
The author poses a big question, and he provides a grand answer. Using the rich threads of literature, historical events, Scripture and Tradition, and his lively Catholic faith, Regis Martin weaves a splendid tapestry that shows the beauty and the reality of Christ’s Church. Like the Gospel, this book challenges us in our depths to receive the gift of God and to live it without compromise in the one ‘place’ where that is possible—his Church.
—Charles J. Chaput, archbishop of Philadelphia
Regis Martin’s sheer zest for the English language is only the first of the delights of this book. The reader finds himself drawn into a glorious and scholarly (never pedantic, always agile) encomium on the ancient Church, from a massively orthodox point of view.
—Thomas Howard, author, On Being Catholic
In graduate school, I had the privilege of taking a theology class with Regis Martin on the Church. Regis did more than teach about the Church: he taught us why we should love the Church. In What Is the Church?, Dr. Martin shares this same vision with his readers. In a culture that does not understand Jesus Christ and his bride, it is vitally important to have saints who understand and love them both.
—Curtis Martin, founding president, Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS)