In The Brothers Karamazov, Fyodor Dostoevsky proposes ministry as the way to resist and overcome the world's evil. He employs two plotlines to do so. The action plot concerns the events surrounding the murder of Fyodor Karamazov. All evidence points to Dmitri Karamazov. Rational, circumstantial evidence convicts him; yet the reader knows he is innocent.
The ministry plot occurs in this dark context where "small acts of love" are performed by The Elder Zosima, Alyosha Karamazov, and many others. These acts of love all answer this unspoken question, "What can be said and done in Jesus' name that opens the future to new possibilities in contexts heretofore deemed closed and without hope?" Asking and answering this question is the essence of ministry, and since the question can be asked in any context, ministry is possible anywhere.
Dostoevsky's unabashed antisemitism, however, undermines his brilliant analysis. The concluding chapters document how unconfessed sins like antisemitism exert a death-dealing power that undermines our cultures, our communities, and our ministries. The Freedom to Choose Life shows how ministry resists and overcomes evil by these small acts of love and by the global effects of repenting of humanity's unconfessed sins.