Women are being pulled in three directions. They sense the desire to pursue a career or perhaps a home-based business, utilizing their God-given talents and abilities and in keeping with their interests. Many long to be married and to transform into the biblical wife God intended them to be, although they are often uncertain just what that actually looks like. Some desire to be a mother who has her priorities straight and is serving her family whole-heartedly without neglect. The question is….can she do it all?
In these six sessions bestselling author Karen Ehman guides women through answering the particular call that God has on their individual life. If they could learn to get their marching orders from Him rather than listening to the world or trying to replicate the lifestyle of another mom or group of moms, they could go forth in confidence knowing that they are fulfilling the call He has placed on their life. Could that mean they make some money at home or in the workforce? Could they be a full-time at-home mom with babies and small children? Could they homeschool? Could their kids attend a traditional school? Could they help run their husband’s business? The answer to all of the above questions is yes!!! Women can have it all, just not always all at the same time! It is all about seasons and strategic selections. And it is all about their bottom line in life which should be to give glory to God—meaning to make HIM famous by living a life that gives those around them an accurate picture of just who God is so that others, in turn, will desire a relationship with Him as well.