Digital Logos Edition
Do you know who you are? Often our self-perception, even as Christians, is fragmented or incomplete—we struggle to grasp the richly faceted identity we’ve been given in Christ. When our evaluation of ourselves, our sin, and our circumstances is misaligned with God’s view, we don’t live with the comfort and motivation Christ offers.
In this Scripture-saturated devotional, pastor and biblical counselor Paul Tautges provides 90 meditations on your complete identity before God in Christ. You are a saint in good standing before God, yet you are simultaneously a sinner who must battle with your desires and a sufferer who undergoes hardship. Day by day, discover how grasping this threefold biblical reality centers your thoughts and affections on the Savior and prepares you to stay on God’s good path as you live in a fallen world.
This is a Logos Reader Edition. Learn more.
If you have ever wondered what it means to be “in Christ,” my friend Paul Tautges offers a healthy guide that unpacks who we are as blood-bought children of God. And his new book Remade has arrived just in time, given the way so many people— Christians, even—are searching for their true identity. Paul explains how understanding our position in Christ not only shapes our future but also gives meaning and power to our struggle against sin and perseverance through suffering. This excellent volume is must-reading for anyone who feels they need help in becoming the person Jesus wants them to be. I highly recommend it!
—Joni Eareckson Tada, Founder, Joni and Friends International Disability Center
Few matters are more important to the Christian life than the matter of identity. We live best before the Lord when we know who and what we are in him. And this is exactly the subject of this lovely series of meditations from my friend Paul Tautges. As you read it, you will learn who you are in Jesus Christ, you will learn how he provides all that you truly need, and you will learn why it is fitting that you submit to his good and perfect will, even (or especially) when that will involves suffering and sorrow. This is a book that blessed me and one I am certain will bless you as well.
—Tim Challies, Blogger,; Pastor, Grace Fellowship Church, Toronto