the Kerusso Collective
To Grow and Learn from the Black Christian Voice
The Kerusso Collective
Our Mission
The Kerusso Collective is a group of African American scholars, pastors, and theologians in partnership with Logos that aims to ensure the inclusivity of African American content and tools in Logos so that all ethnic groups can appreciate, grow, and learn from the rich history and scholarship of the Black voice.
Why ‘Kerusso’?
Kerusso is the Greek word Paul and other early Christians used to describe the act of preaching. It is to proclaim or make known—always with the suggestion of formality, gravity, and authority. As we boldly call the church to listen to voices that have been sidelined, we do so with this word in mind. We do so as heralds of God’s word—a word that must be listened to and obeyed.
“I have been preaching for 45+ years. During my thousands of hours of sermon prep, I have developed a homiletic process called ‘Weaving the Textual Web’ that has served me well in the pulpit. What a blessing it is to work with the Kerusso Collective to make my exegetical method for studying and preaching part of the tools in Logos Bible Software. Download the workflow, type the text you’re preaching, follow the steps I’ve developed, and preach with confidence!”
Dr. Ralph West, Senior Pastor, Church Without Walls
Meet the Collective
Learn more about our growing roster of trusted advisors.
Dr. Charlie Dates
Rev. Dr. Cynthia L. Hale
Bishop Kenneth C.
Ulmer, DMin, PhD
Esau McCaulley, PhD
Dr. Ralph West
Bishop Joseph Walker
Rev. Matthew Wesley Williams
Dr. William Curtis
Bishop Walter Thomas
Dr. Craig Oliver

Dr. Claybon Lea

Will there eventually be Logos libraries or base packages created specifically for the African American community?
Yes. One of the primary and long-term goals of the Kerusso Collective is to establish, procure, and/or license thousands of African American theological resources to equip the Black church with content that better reflects its own voice. Once these resources are licensed, there will be various African American libraries for lay, pastoral, and academic markets.
How will the Logos base packages look different as a result of the Kerusso Collective?
Details are still being finalized but may include an increase in African American authors, scholars, etc. There may also be an additional “bundle” option for the African American library.
Was this initiative a reaction to the racial issues in the news during the summer of 2020?
No. We’ve been at work on this since 2019.
How were the Kerusso Collective members selected?
We wanted to get a good cross-section in denomination, age, sex, and influence.
Are African Americans the primary target audience for the new product offerings?
No. We want to also expose non-African American Logos users to different perspectives that will positively impact their Bible study.
Is there a denominational affiliation with the Kerusso Collective?
No. The Kerusso Collective hopes to include as much of the rich denominational diversity as possible.
How can I recommend books and resources for the Kerusso Collective to include in future Logos releases?
Please send an email with your resource/book recommendations to:
Will the Kerusso Collective also be creating tools within Logos to better serve the African American pastor/preacher/teacher?
Yes. Logos is committed to creating tools within the Logos system designed specifically for the Black church. For example, we plan on developing a Kerusso Collective Preaching Workflow.
Will there be an opportunity to partner with the Kerusso Collective on teaching professional courses on Black preaching and teaching?
We are always open to partnership and giving our customers scholarly preaching courses. Please submit your proposal to:, and the Kerusso Collective Board Members will determine if they would like to move forward with your content.
Will the Kerusso Collective host any public or private meetings or training for pastors and teachers?
Yes. Most of the Kerusso Collective have agreed to host webinars in the future to highlight new technologies and resources created and licensed for Logos.
How will Faithlife ensure the Kerusso Collective reflects the vast theological diversity within the African American church?
Faithlife embraces internal cultural diversity within the African American community and will engage scholars, authors, and business leaders who clearly understand and represent that diversity.