Ryken, Philip Graham, Michael LeFebvre, and Michael LeFebvre Philip Ryken. Our Triune God: Living in the Love of the Three-in-One. Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2011.
Holmes, Stephen R., Paul D. Molnar, Thomas H. McCall, and Paul S. Fiddes. Two Views on the Doctrine of the Trinity. Edited by Jason S. Sexton and Stanley N. Gundry. Zondervan Counterpoints Series. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2014.
Augustine of Hippo. The Trinity. Edited by Hermigild Dressler. Translated by Stephen McKenna. Vol. 45. The Fathers of the Church. Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1963.
Hilary of Poitiers. The Trinity. Edited by Roy Joseph Deferrari. Translated by Stephen McKenna. Vol. 25. The Fathers of the Church. Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1954.
Edwards, Jonathan. Writings on the Trinity, Grace, and Faith. Edited by Sang Hyun Lee and Harry S. Stout. Vol. 21. The Works of Jonathan Edwards. New Haven; London: Yale University Press, 2003.
Owen, John. On Communion with God. Vol. 2. The Works of John Owen. Edited by William H. Goold. Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1851.