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Two Devotions from Crossway

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Storms, Sam. More Precious than Gold: 50 Daily Meditations on the Psalms. Wheaton: Crossway Books, 2009. 282 pp. $15.99.

Sam Storms, founder of Enjoying God Ministries, has become in recent years an instrument used by God to show us His glory through the discipline of meditating on Scripture. In this volume, Storms focuses in on the Book of Psalms. In the preface, he calls the Psalter the “first among equals” in regards to the 66 books of the Bible.

In the Psalter, you can find just about every emotion imaginable from anger to apathy and hatred to hurt. This is why the Book of Psalms is perhaps the most beloved book of the entire Bible (generally speaking) among Christians.

This book of 50 meditations is breaks down the five books found within the Book of Psalms into six parts—book one is split between parts one and two. Obviously, not every Psalm is used in this meditation. I assume that if they were, the book would be more than a one year meditation on Psalms.

Also, not every Psalm that is used is treated like one might think. For example, it would be easy to camp in Psalm 119 for an entire week or even part of the book. However, Storms only offers one day to the longest chapter in of any book found in the Bible. On the other hand, Psalm 1:1-3 receives two days.

Through all 50 meditations, Sam Storms offers one common thread—the glory of God experience through His word. If you have read his previous meditative works (The Hope of Glory and To the One Who Conquers, then I do not need to tell you that this book of meditations should be on your shelf. If you have never read any of the meditations by Sam Storms you have been missing out on one of the great meditative writers of our generation.

Purchase at Westminster Books for $9.89

Fitzpatrick, Elyse M. Comforts from the Cross: Celebrating the Gospel One Day at a Time. Wheaton: Crossway Books, 2009. 146 pp. $14.99.

Elyse M. Fitzpatrick, head of Women Helping Women Ministries, holds a masters in biblical counseling from Trinity Theological School. She wrote this book of meditations in order to help us to truly celebrate the gospel each and every day for a month. This may seem silly, but if the truth were told, I bet more often than not Christians do not celebrate the gospel of Jesus Christ. Sadly, I often fall into this category more than I care to admit.

Fitzpatrick has written a month’s worth of devotional material to help keep you focused on the most important matter in one’s life: the saving truth of Christ’s life, death, and resurrection that is the gospel. In a style that I would describe as motherly, she sets out to show the centrality of the gospel and the joy found therein.

Brad Bigney, from his blurb on the back of the book, says, “The church today, particularly in America, has been languishing in selfish, impotent, shallow immaturity—barely able to survive, let alone thrive and make an impact on our culture.” Need I say more? This month long set of devotions will quicken your heart to love Christ for what He has done for you on the cross. In addition, you will be challenged—through your own joy in the gospel—to share it with others. If you struggle to find joy in the gospel, allow Elyse Fitzpatrick to help you. If you do not struggle, chances are you know someone who does; this book would make a perfect gift.

Written by
Terry Delaney
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Written by Terry Delaney