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Theological Research: My Favorite Logos Kickstarter

This brief reference, which comes around 1,500 pages after Balthasar’s primary discussion of the topic, clarifies and places boundaries on what he writes of the senses elsewhere. You might get the impression from his other writings that the spiritual senses are the highest experience available to humans this side of eternity. But here Balthasar clearly gestures toward an experience of union with God that is beyond sense perception, corporeal or spiritual.

As good as that is, it’s not even the best part. Because Balthasar read widely, he refers to authors and texts stretching from the patristic period to his contemporaries. These are the true gold for my research purposes (his translation of Origen’s writings, especially). In pointing me to his sources, I can then read and consider them for myself, all without leaving Logos (so long as the resources he mentions are in my library).

In short, this simple trick is like shining a floodlight into a treasure trove. All of a sudden, hundreds of new insights and possibilities are revealed within the text before me. I can methodically sort through them and explore them as deeply as time and resources allow, discovering more new ideas and possibilities as I do.

What about you? What’s your Logos kickstarter? Feel free to share your tips and tricks below.

Guest writer Adam B. Shaeffer holds an MA in Spiritual Formation from Talbot School of Theology and a PhD in Theology from Durham University. He is already a big fan of Logos 8.

Written by
Adam B. Shaeffer

Adam B. Shaeffer (PhD, Durham University) rarely had time for books until he discovered the fantasy novels on his dad's shelf at age 12; the rest is history. His primary research interests revolve around the interplay between theology and literature, attending to fiction's power to narrate theological insights through the thoughts and lives of imagined people and places. His poetry and fiction have appeared in *Jabberwocky,* *Resident Aliens,* and *This Mutant Life.*

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Written by Adam B. Shaeffer