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Bibliotheca Sacra Volume 132

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Bibliotheca Sacra, Volume 132.

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“Since science is the systematic analysis of presently observed processes and their phenomena, science cannot and ought not attempt to answer the question of the origin of the universe. The answer is beyond the range of empirical proof.” (Page 28)

“Daniel had asked about Israel’s imminent return to their land, but instead God gave him the revelation of the seventy weeks which was to assure Daniel that God will fulfill His covenant promises to the nation. Gabriel informed Daniel that God would bring Israel back into their land and set up the messianic kingdom. However, Gabriel went on to say that this would not be ultimately fulfilled at the end of the seventy-year captivity in Babylon but at the end of the seventy-week period stated in 9:24–27.” (Page 48)

“According to this view, verse 1 is a summary statement, or formal introduction, which is epexegeted in the rest of the narrative. It appears to this author that this is the only viewpoint that completely satisfies the demands of Hebrew grammar.” (Page 226)

“In conclusion the term שׁבעים in Daniel 9 most reasonably refers to a unit of seven years. To make it anything else does not make good sense. However, for the sake of clarity this unit of seven years will be called ‘week(s)’ for the remainder of this article, for it is simpler to refer to seventy ‘weeks’ than to seventy ‘units of seven years.’ Therefore, Daniel’s reference to seventy weeks means a period of 490 years.” (Page 50)

“The posttribulationism advanced by the classic interpretation depends almost completely on taking the tribulation in a nonliteral sense and in effect denies that there will be a literal tribulation period as such. If principles of interpretation permit the complete spiritualization of Revelation chapters 1 through 18, on what logical grounds can chapters 19 through 22 suddenly be considered as very literal?” (Page 121)

  • Title: Bibliotheca Sacra Volume 132
  • Author: Dallas Theological Seminary
  • Series: Bibliotheca Sacra
  • Publisher: Dallas Theological Seminary
  • Print Publication Date: 1975
  • Logos Release Date: 2009
  • Language: English
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital › Logos Research Edition
  • Subject: Theology › Periodicals
  • Resource ID: LLS:gs_bsac_132
  • Resource Type: Journal
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2022-02-12T03:36:27Z


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