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The Works of John Wesley, vol. 8

Digital Logos Edition

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Founder of the Methodist movement, celebrated preacher, abolitionist, and gifted writer—John Wesley is known for all of these great qualities and more. Like his friend and contemporary George Whitefield, John Wesley didn’t need a church to preach in, he preached wherever a group of people would listen—a field, a cottage, a town hall—and he did it every day. Although he never officially left the Church of England, the Methodist movement that he planted quickly spread across England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, and to colonial America. Today, over seventy-million people belong to Methodist organizations in the Wesleyan tradition all over the world.

Those familiar with Thomas Jackson’s edition of The Works of John Wesley are aware they include some of his journals, but these are incomplete and missing large chunks of important entries—sometimes entire years are missing!

With the Logos edition, The Works of John Wesley is fully integrated with the other resources in your Logos library, including Bibles, maps, dictionaries, and numerous other Bible study tools. The Logos edition also allows you to perform powerful searches and Scripture references link to the wealth of language resources in your digital library. This makes the The Works of John Wesley more powerful and easier to access than ever before.

Key Features

  • Contains various addresses, essays, and letters from John Wesley
  • Includes a short history of Methodism

Praise for John Wesley

As truly an apostolic man, in saintly devotion, strength of character, and influence among men, Wesley ranks in history with Savonarola, Wycliffe, Huss, Luther, Calvin, and Fox: all era making men.

The Friends’ Review

Product Details

  • Title: The Works of John Wesley, vol. 8
  • Author: John Wesley
  • Editor: Thomas Jackson
  • Publisher: Wesleyan Methodist Book Room
  • Publication Date: 1872
  • Pages: 516

About John Wesley

John Wesley (1703–1791) is recognized as the founder of Methodism. An acclaimed preacher, Wesley traveled extensively on horseback and drew large crowds for his outdoor sermons. A contemporary of William Wilberforce, Wesley was a strong voice opposing slavery in England and the United States. His influence upon modern Christianity can be seen by the large number of Methodist organizations in the Wesleyan tradition all over the world.

Resource Experts

Top Highlights

“‘What then is the mark? Who is a Methodist, according to your own account?’ I answer: A Methodist is one who has ‘the love of God shed abroad in his heart by the Holy Ghost given unto him;’ one who ‘loves the Lord his God with all his heart, and with all his soul, and with all his mind, and with all his strength.’ God is the joy of his heart, and the desire of his soul; which is constantly crying out, ‘Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee! My God and my all! Thou art the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever!’” (Page 341)

“There is one only condition previously required in those who desire admission into these societies,—a desire ‘to flee from the wrath to come, to be saved from their sins:’” (Page 270)

“But as to all opinions which do not strike at the root of Christianity, we think and let think” (Page 340)

“And he accordingly loves his neighbour as himself; he loves every man as his own soul.” (Page 343)

“We believe, indeed, that ‘all Scripture is given by the inspiration of God;’” (Page 340)

  • Title: The Works of John Wesley, Volume 8
  • Author: John Wesley
  • Edition: Third Edition
  • Series: The Works of John Wesley
  • Publisher: Wesleyan Methodist Book Room
  • Print Publication Date: 1872
  • Logos Release Date: 2012
  • Era: era:modern
  • Language: English
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital › Logos Research Edition
  • Subject: Wesley, John, 1703-1791 › Works
  • Resource ID: LLS:WORKSWESLEY08
  • Resource Type: text.monograph.collected-work
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2024-03-25T21:09:20Z
John Wesley

John Wesley (1703–1791) is recognized as the founder of Methodism. An acclaimed preacher, Wesley traveled extensively on horseback and drew large crowds for his outdoor sermons. A contemporary of William Wilberforce, Wesley was a strong voice opposing slavery in England and the United States. His influence upon modern Christianity can be seen by the large number of Methodist organizations in the Wesleyan tradition all over the world.

Wesley attended Christ Church College in Oxford where he was a member of the small group known as the “Holy Group,” which also included George Whitefield and Charles Wesley. Wesley spent some time in America as a missionary.

Wesley has published over 200 books, many of which can be found in the John Wesley Collection (28 vols.), including his Explanatory Notes upon the Old and New Testaments, as well as essays, sermons, and more.


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