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Revealing the Heart of Prayer: The Gospel of Luke (Transformative Word)

ISBN: 9781577997153
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Praying by Example

Although prayer was a central aspect of Jesus’ life throughout all four gospels, it is often overlooked. See Luke’s Gospel anew—through the lense of prayer. As Christians, we are called to pray to our Father. This practice is often a hidden affair, between us and God, and can be easily neglected. Why do we settle for less when God wants to give us so much more? In Revealing the Heart of Prayer, Craig G. Bartholomew helps us see how to live and participate effectively in God’s mission—by looking to Jesus as an example for how we should pray.

The Transformative Word Series

God’s Word is transformative. It is this conviction which gives the Transformative Word series its name and its unique character. Series Editor Craig G. Bartholomew has worked alongside authors from around the world to identify a key theme in each book of the Bible, and each volume provides careful Biblical exegesis centered on that gripping theme. The result is an engaging, accessible thematic exploration of a biblical book, poised to offer you new and refreshing insights.

Learn more about the other titles in this series.

Top Highlights

“As the incarnate one, Jesus is clearly portrayed in Luke’s Gospel as the second Adam, who not only redeems our humanity but also shows us what true humanity looks like. In Genesis 3:8 we read by implication how God would walk with Adam and Eve in Eden, which teaches us that communion with God is one of his primary purposes in creating us. Prayer is thus the quintessentially human act; not surprisingly, Luke portrays Jesus, the second Adam, as a man of prayer. If we wish to become like Jesus, and thus fully human, we will need to attend closely to Jesus’ teaching and example when it comes to prayer.” (Page 5)

“But how are we to live and participate effectively in God’s mission? A major answer provided by Luke is through prayer. Indeed, Luke has rightly been referred to as ‘the evangelist of prayer.’1 It is not by chance that this Gospel writer refers to Jesus praying at seven crucial points during his ministry (3:21; 5:16; 6:12; 9:18; 11:1; and 22:41). Only the last has parallels in the other Gospels (Matt 26:39; Mark 14:35).” (Page 23)

“We are invited, like Mary, to reflect upon the epochal events as they unfold. In Luke 1:66 we read that all who heard about the circumstances of John’s birth ‘pondered them,’ and in Luke 2:19 (see also 2:51) we are told that Mary ‘treasured all these words and pondered them in her heart.’ Such musing is at the heart of prayerful reflection, and at these points Luke invites his readers to similarly slow down, reflect, and live contemplatively within the events.” (Page 13)

“Prayer is like a hidden fire whose effects are seen in our humanity and in God’s response. We are made for God, and thus there is nothing more human than prayer—that open stance in relation to the living God who has come to us in Jesus. However, on the basis of its hiddenness, we easily neglect prayer and settle for less when God wants to give us so much more of himself.” (Page 1)


  • Introduction
  • The Gospel of Luke as the Story of Jesus
  • The Centrality of Prayer in Jesus’ Life and Ministry
  • Prayer and the Story of Redemption in Luke
  • The Acts of the Apostles—Part 2
  • Prayer and Reading Luke
  • Prayer and Full-Time Ministry
  • Why Prayer Must Be Central
  • Jesus’ Practice of Prayer
  • Prayer and Ministry
  • Praying Continually

Product Details

  • Title: Revealing the Heart of Prayer: The Gospel of Luke
  • Author: Craig G. Bartholomew
  • Series: Transformative Word
  • Publisher: Lexham Press
  • Publication Date: 2016
  • Pages: 112
  • Format: Logos Digital, Paperback
  • Trim Size: 5x8
  • ISBN: 9781577997153

Craig G. Bartholomew is the Director of the Kirby Laing Institute for Christian Ethics, Cambridge. He is the author of numerous influential books on the Old Testament and hermeneutics, including Introducing Biblical HermeneuticsOld Testament Wisdom Literature and the volume on Ecclesiastes in the Baker Commentary series on the Old Testament Wisdom and Psalms.

Sample Pages from Revealing the Heart of Prayer


1 rating

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  1. Glenn Crouch

    Glenn Crouch


    This is a useful, easy-to-read little book that gives much encouragement about Prayer. Basing the work primarily on the Gospel of Luke - though also includes a chapter on Acts - does allow for a good basis of examining several different aspects. I especially liked the application made to pastors and church leaders throughout. Each chapter has some questions at the end - making this also a useful tool for a Bible Study. Good references, though brief, are welcomed. I would recommend this to all fellow Christians, and especially fellow pastors who need some light encouragement in the area of prayer.


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