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Ministry Velocity: The Power for Leadership Momentum

, 2010
ISBN: 9780898274684

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Pastors and church leaders often find the velocity of ministry to be a challenge. Sometimes it comes much too fast; other times it’s way too slow. How can you lead a church that is stalled to begin moving again in the right direction? And then, when you experience success, how do you maintain and harness that momentum to effectively lead the church to its next level?

Wayne Schmidt addresses both angles of the ministry velocity challenge and offers scriptural strategies for sustainable momentum. Based on biblical principles rooted in the leadership of Joshua, Schmidt teaches pastors how to lead through every phase of momentum, so that the church can capitalize on its God-given opportunities.

This highly practical volume provides pastors and church leaders much needed insight on understanding how to anticipate, create, and maintain ministry velocity.

Whether you are just beginning or are a veteran of the ministry, Ministry Velocity: The Power for Leadership Momentum is the perfect guide for improving the quality, focus, and effectiveness of your ministry. With the Logos edition of Ministry Velocity: The Power for Leadership Momentum, you have easy access to Scripture texts, along with a wealth of other resources in your digital library. Hovering over Scripture references links you instantly to the verse you’re looking for, and with passage guides and a wealth of other tools from Logos, you can get into God’s Word and discover biblical insights on church leadership like never before.

Resource Experts

Key Features

  • Provides tools for handling church success and failures
  • Addresses common leadership questions with Scripture
  • Includes biblical principles to help maintain momentum in ministry


  • Where Do We Go from Here?
  • Discovering God’s New Frontier
  • Courage That Counts
  • Moving Forward Together
  • Time for a Reality Check
  • Focusing on Priorities
  • Don’t Stop Now
  • A Legacy Worth Following
  • Slow but Sure
  • Clarifying Core Commitments
  • God’s Power for God’s Purpose
  • Overcoming Obstacles
  • The Debilitating Danger of Deception
  • Maintaining Momentum
  • The Crucible of Conflict
  • A Leader’s Legacy

Top Highlights

“you didn’t bring the kids because a passing glance at the nursery makes you” (Pages 15–16)

“Personal and spiritual growth depends on our ability to see one chapter of life closing and a new one opening. These signals of transition come in different forms—a career change, the loss of a relationship, a physical move, or health issues. They are met with either a desperate attempt to preserve the way things have been, or the recognition that things neither can nor will ever be the same.” (Page 18)

“There is a myth that keeps many spiritual leaders from taking action when God’s Spirit prompts them. The myth is this: If it is God’s will, everyone will feel good about it. In reality, the first feeling that comes with most substantive transitions is a sense of loss, and then a tendency to resist that change. In fact, scholars who study change dynamics have concluded that if there is no sense of loss and there is no resistance, then there has been no real change.” (Page 22)

“In the first two verses of Joshua, God signals to his chosen leader that two things are about to change. The first is a change of leadership; the second is a change of location.” (Page 17)

“As a church grows, it fundamentally changes. Resistance to these changes by the pastor or the people is the reason most churches plateau.” (Page 20)

Product Details

  • Title: Ministry Velocity: The Power for Leadership Momentum
  • Author: Wayne Schmidt
  • Publisher: Wesleyan Publishing House
  • Publication Date: 2011
  • Pages: 256

Wayne Schmidt is vice president of Wesley Seminary at Indiana Wesleyan University in Marion, IN. Prior to that, he served more than 25 years as the senior pastor of Kentwood Community Church in Kentwood, MI, which grew to more than 2,600 average weekend attendees. He is the author of several books, including Soul Management and Power Plays.


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