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Exploring the Gospel of Matthew: An Expository Commentary

Digital Logos Edition

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This commentary on the book of Matthew provides pastors, Sunday school teachers, and students of Scripture with doctrinally sound interpretation that emphasizes the practical application of Bible truth. Working from the King James Version, John Phillips not only provides helpful commentary on the text, but also includes detailed outlines and numerous illustrations and quotations. Anyone wanting to explore the meaning of God’s Word in greater depth—for personal spiritual growth or as a resource for preaching and teaching—will welcome the guidance and insights of this respected series.

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Top Highlights

“Satan was using his powers of persuasion on Christ, just as he does when he tries to trap us. We need to remember that he can persuade, but he cannot push. He creates the temptation; we create the transgression.” (Matthew 4:6a)

“Petra in 16:18 refers to Christ. The church is not built on Peter, but on Christ.” (Matthew 16:18)

“As Matthew traced the genealogy of Jesus, he kept introducing women’s names. He was hinting at something, but would the Jews grasp it? The first promise and prophecy of Scripture foretold the coming of a kinsman-redeemer who would be the seed of the woman (Genesis 3:15). Now He had come, not as the son of Joseph, but as the seed of the woman.” (Matthew 1:17)

“There is a narrow road that runs from earth to Heaven, and there is a broad road that runs from earth to Hell. But there is no road that runs from Hell to Heaven (Luke 16:26). The broad road intersects the narrow road at just one place: Calvary. At the cross one can leave the broad road, accept Christ as Savior, and start along the narrow way.” (Matthew 7:14)

“This statement of course refers not to losing one’s salvation, but to losing one’s testimony and influence. If ever there was a day when the earth needed Christians to keep their testimony and influence, it is this day of the X-rated home movie, internet pornography, and the marching sodomite.” (Matthew 5:13)

  • Title: Exploring the Gospel of Matthew: An Expository Commentary
  • Author: John Phillips
  • Series: The John Phillips Commentary Series
  • Publisher: Kregel
  • Print Publication Date: 2014
  • Logos Release Date: 2015
  • Era: era:contemporary
  • Language: English
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital › Logos Research Edition
  • Subject: Bible. N.T. Matthew › Commentaries
  • Resource ID: LLS:JPCS16MT
  • Resource Type: Bible Commentary
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2022-02-12T04:10:59Z

John Phillips (1927-2010) served as assistant director of the Moody Correspondence School as well as director of the Emmaus Correspondence School, one of the world's largest Bible correspondence ministries. He also taught in the Moody Evening School and on the Moody Broadcasting radio network. For more information about his life and ministry, go to drjohnphillips.com.


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  1. Nick Harris

    Nick Harris

