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Illuminated Preaching: The Holy Spirit's Vital Role in Unveiling His Word, the Bible (Ministry and Mission)

, 2010
ISBN: 9781846251665

Digital Logos Edition

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All true expository preachers want to experience the illumination of the Scripture in their hearts when they study and preach. Sadly, today’s preaching culture promotes an imbalance in the discussion of the Spirit’s role in preaching at a time when so many preachers err on the sides either of mysticism or of pragmatism.

In this Bible-soaked study, Jeffrey Crotts defines and applies the seemingly forgotten doctrine of illumination. He shows that the Bible is clear that Spirit-filled illuminated preaching takes place in two parts: as the preacher studies and meditates upon his biblical text, resulting in personal convictions, and as he then conveys these truths to his hearers, trusting that the Spirit of God will likewise illumine their hearts. With the inclusion of testimonies of men such as Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Owen, and Jonathan Edwards, this book provides a synthesized biblical theology of illumination, focusing on four main categories found in 2 Corinthians 4:1–6: condemnation, communication, conversion, and convictions.

Preachers who long for illumination during their personal study and preaching will be enriched as they read and apply this scholarly yet pastoral work on the priceless doctrine we call illumination.

With the Logos Bible Software edition, you have unprecedented access to resources that offer relatable and insightful material to aid you in your study of Christian leadership. The powerful search tools in your digital library help you locate the specific material relevant to you, whether it is textual or topical. Hours of biblical research can be accomplished with the simple click of a mouse. With lightning-speed searching, instantly-viewable Scripture references, a vast library of resources, and much more, Logos is the perfect software to expand one’s understanding of the Word.

Resource Experts
  • Foreword by Lance Quinn
  • Refreshing insight for leading today’s congregations
  • “Implications for the preacher”
  • Bibliographical references

Top Highlights

“Facts inform but only the Spirit transforms, and that is what is missing when the Spirit’s illumination is not present.” (Page 37)

“he is speaking of what a person in the deepest part of his or her being now affirms as unequivocally true. This” (Page 19)

“It is not how many times you go through the Word, but how many times the Word goes through you” (Page 12)

“life-change for the hearer is not won and lost by the preacher’s performance” (Page 37)

“God is the one who saves, and the Spirit of God did his work” (Page 11)

Jeff Crotts reminds us all that the illumination of the Spirit is one of the most liberating and empowering elements of preaching—for pastor and congregant alike. This book, full of biblical insight, historical wisdom, and pastoral warmth, is for all of those clay jars who, week in and week out, proclaim the treasure of the gospel. Here’s a preaching manual that goes beneath the surface and speaks straight to the heart.

—Stephen J. Nichols, research professor of Christianity and culture, Lancaster Bible College and Graduate School, Lancaster, Pennsylvania

A commendable balance characterizes the author’s efforts and product. By biblically navigating the channel between the reefs of merely academic labors and the shoals of existential subjectivism, he allows the scriptural data to pilot his ship named “Illumination” to a safe harbor.

—George J. Zemek, ThD, academic dean, The Expositors Seminary, Jupiter, Florida

  • Title: Illuminated Preaching: The Holy Spirit's Vital Role in Unveiling His Word, the Bible
  • Author: Jeffrey Crotts
  • Publisher: Day One
  • Publication Date: 2010
  • Pages: 144

Jeffrey Crotts was raised in a Christian family in Virginia Beach, Virginia. At the age of 17 he became a Christian, and at 18 sensed a call to preach. This led him to pursue pastoral training at Liberty University and The Master’s Seminary, as well as a variety of ministry internships. In 1994, he met Judith, a biblical counseling and English major at The Master’s College. They were married in 1997. They moved to Little Rock, Arkansas in 1998 when Jeffrey joined the pastoral staff of The Bible Church of Little Rock. He now ministers as senior pastor at Anchorage Grace Church in Alaska.


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