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The Gospel for Today

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The Christian Endeavor World said of Torrey’s sermons: “They are full of power. They have Moody’s earnestness and pith. They are sound to the core. They will make revivals even in their printed form.” This volume contains some of Torrey’s most popular sermons that he preached worldwide.

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“1. Every man needs salvation from the guilt of sin” (Page 63)

“All these Gospels have one fatal fault, they don’t save. These other Gospels may sound well, they may be described with entrancing rhetoric, they may be preached with great eloquence, with marvelous beauty of diction, with charming figures of speech, they may seem exceedingly alluring, but they don’t save. For all their pretenses and prettiness, instead of saving, they darken, debase and damn. They do not enlighten, elevate and save.” (Page 63)

“. But every man also needs salvation from the power of sin.” (Page 64)

“What is love? Love is the consuming, absorbing desire for and delight in another’s highest good. Real love is entirely unselfish. It loses sight utterly of self-interest and sets itself to seeking the interest of the person loved. This was God’s attitude toward the world. He loved the world, really loved it.” (Page 46)

“Where and how we shall spend eternity is settled in the life that now is. The life that now is, is the preparation time, and the only preparation time for the life that is to come. Time is the preparation time and the only preparation time for eternity.” (Page 144)

  • Title: The Gospel for Today
  • Author: R. A. Torrey
  • Publisher: Fleming H. Revell Company
  • Publication Date: 1922
  • Pages: 216
R. A. Torrey

Reuben Archer Torrey (1856–1928) was an American evangelist, pastor, educator, and writer. Torrey studied at Yale University, Yale Divinity School, Leipzig University, Erlangen University and received a doctorate degree from Wheaton College.

Soon after becoming a congregational minister, Torrey joined Dwight L. Moody in his evangelistic work in Chicago. Torrey became the superintendent of the Bible Institute of the Chicago Evangelization Society (now Moody Bible Institute).

He later became pastor of the Chicago Avenue Church (now the Moody Church). Torrey later served as a chaplain with the YMCA and dean of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles (now Biola University).

Torrey authored over 40 books in his lifetime. The classic four-volume set The Fundamentals includes over 90 articles by leading Christian scholars. The R. A. Torrey Collection features 15 titles of biblical doctrine and teaching from Torrey.


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