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Catholic Scripture Study International: 1 Corinthians

Digital Logos Edition

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Includes 16 lessons with suggested responses and commentary on the biblical text.

In Paul’s letters to Corinthians, he addresses ongoing problems experienced in the Church at Corinth. These problems included dissension, immorality, lawsuits, liturgical abuses, and their tendency to fall prey to “false teachers.” Paul tackles each of these problems with his typical spiritual zeal, strengthening their faith and their commitment to build up the Body of Christ. Two thousand years later, as we struggle with much the same problems, Paul’s words of wisdom are both pertinent and valuable.

In Logos, these Catholic Scripture Study International studies work even smarter. See Scripture, Catechism, and Church document references appear on mouseover, and instantly find what other authors in your library have to say on the topic. Take notes and share them with your small group on Faithlife, or lead your small group straight from the instructional guide always accessible on your tablet, smart phone, or laptop.

Want more from Catholic Scripture Study International? Get all of the studies at an amazing discount.

  • Closely studies Paul’s letters to Corinth chapter-by-chapter
  • Comes with study questions for group study and individual testing
  • Includes a Group Leader Guide to assist leaders in facilitating discussion

Top Highlights

“Paul is saying that God does not change—what Isaiah spoke of more than seven hundred years earlier is still true today.” (Page 16)

“‘living according to the flesh’ (Jn 8:15), and most of the other problems will be corrected as well.” (Page 23)

“Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things’ (1 Cor 13:7” (Page 123)

“ believers have been given various spiritual gifts to build up the Church as a whole.” (Page 111)

“With this knowledge comes the freedom to eat meat sacrificed to idols.” (Page 71)

This Bible study program is rooted in sound biblical scholarship and in the Church’s magisterium. I hope you will welcome and support this important Bible study program in your parishes.

—Most Rev. Peter Jugis, bishop, Charlotte

This program covers all the desirable bases—thorough textual analysis and exegesis, stimulating questions to engage the individual subscriber, and direct and faithful connections of what has been studied to the Catechism, and to the magisterial writings of the Church. I can easily assure any pastor, that this program will not only enhance the spiritual lives of your people individually, but also the level of spiritual vitality of your parish.

—Most Rev. John F. Donoghue, archbishop emeritus, Atlanta

  • Title: Catholic Scripture Study International: 1 Corinthians
  • Author: Steve Ray
  • Series: Catholic Scripture Study International Studies
  • Publisher: Catholic Scripture Study International
  • Publication Date: 2010
  • Pages: 170

Stephen K. Ray converted to the Catholic Church from a Baptist background in 1994, after an in-depth study of the writings of the Church Fathers. He is the host of the popular, award-winning film series on salvation history, The Footprints of God. Steve is the author of the bestselling books St. John’s Gospel and Upon This Rock. He is a popular conference and retreat speaker, has been a guest radio speaker, and made appearances EWTN.


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