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Products>Why and What: Second Thoughts on the Christian Message

Why and What: Second Thoughts on the Christian Message

ISBN: 9781591280231

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Imagine that one day you woke up to find that you are mistaken about everything you hold dear. Things you once adored you now find disgusting. Things you once hated now command your deepest loyalty. You might start to ask yourself, "Could I really be so wrong about the world after all these years?" It's easy to believe that "fanatics" are wildly deceived about the world. But why couldn't a more mundane, middle-of-the-road view be equally out to lunch?

The challenge of the Christian gospel, a challenge that poses a fundamental question is this: which faith and what rationality will you choose to follow? Behind all of our beliefs is a personality: a person whom we trust above everything else. For some people that person is themselves. For others it is a teacher or a supposed set of "norms of thought." For the Christian it is the Trinitarian God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Resource Experts
  • Title: Why and What: Second Thoughts on the Christian Message
  • Author: Douglas M. Jones
  • Publisher: Canon Press
  • Publication Date: 1997
  • Pages: 42

Douglas M. Jones is a fellow of philosophy at New St. Andrews College, Moscow, Idaho and senior editor of Credenda/Agenda magazine.


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