Digital Logos Edition
This volume examines characterization in the four Gospels and in the Sayings Gospel Q. Peter in Matthew, Lazarus in John, and Jesus as Son of Man in Q are examples of the characters studied. The general approach is narrative-critical. At the same time, each contribution takes special effort to widen the scope beyond the narrated world to include the text's ideological and real-life setting as well as its effective history. New ways of doing narrative criticism are thus proposed. The concluding essay by David Rhoads delineates the development and envisions the future of narrative criticism in Gospel studies.
“the analysis of the storyworld of a narrative and (2) the analysis of its implied rhetorical impact on readers” (Page 265)
“unity and coherence are among the criteria we expect a text to meet if we are to accept it as well formed.” (Page 15)
“there is a place for everything in the Gospels, and everything is in its proper place” (Page 15)
“Seymour Chatman’s Story and Discourse: Narrative Structure in Fiction and Film” (Page 21)
David Rhoads is Professor of New Testament at the Lutheran School of Theology, Chicago.
Kari Syreeni is Professor of New Testament at the University of Uppsala, Sweden.