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Products>The Whole Works of John Flavel in Six Volumes

The Whole Works of John Flavel in Six Volumes

Digital Logos Edition

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John Flavel was a British Presbyterian clergyman in the seventeenth century, a time of religious persecution in England. Charles II passed the Act of Uniformity in 1662, forcing all ministers not under the Church of England to serve in secret, including Flavel. Persecuted for not following the orders of the Church of England, Flavel was a faithful minister and worked hard to serve his congregation, despite poor health. He was widely known for being a man of prayer, sincere, and faithful to God, an example to his parishioners and peers.

This six-volume set contains all his writings—sermons, letters, poems, exhortations, and treatises. Flavel focuses on the nature of God, as well as writing extensively on the life of Christ. He also includes a treatise on the nature of humanity and its relation to God. Flavel also examines suffering and other concerns, using Scripture and personal examples. This is an important and encouraging collection from one of the most prominent and dedicated ministers of his time. It will be of interest to students and professors of the Puritan era, as well as those wanting to learn more about the history of Presbyterianism in England.

Please note that these six volumes will display as a single resource in your Logos digital library.

Resource Experts
  • Comprehensive collection of Flavel's works
  • Includes biography of John Flavel
  • Comprehensive index for all six volumes

Top Highlights

“I confess it is better to have a well ordered heart, than a methodical head; but surely both are better than either.” (Volume 1, Page 22)

“The third is to see so many real saints, in whom the spirit of truth is, who yet, through the impetuous workings of their corruptions, and neglecting of the watch over their hearts, do often fall into such scandalous practices, that they look like hypocrites, though they are not so.” (Volume 5, Page 417)

“Thirdly, He promiseth to crown his work with success, and bring it to an happy issue” (Volume 1, Pages 56–57)

“In the covenant of grace, we question not the performance on God’s part, but we are often stumbled at the grand defects on our parts. But when we look to the covenant of redemption there is nothing to stagger our faith, both the federates being infinitely able and faithful to perform their parts; so that there is no possibility of a failure there. Happy were it, if puzzled and perplexed Christians would turn their eyes from the defects that are in their obedience, to the fulness and completeness of Christ’s obedience; and see themselves complete in him, when most lame and defective in themselves.” (Volume 1, Page 59)

“Corollary 3. If the greatest love hath been manifested in giving Christ to the world, then it follows, that the greatest evil and wickedness is manifested in despising, slighting, and rejecting Christ.” (Volume 1, Page 70)

  • Title: The Whole Works of John Flavel (6 vols.)
  • Author: John Flavel
  • Publisher: W. Baynes and Son
  • Volumes: 6
  • Pages: 3,713

John Flavel was born in 1627, whose father was persecuted for not obeying the Church of England. Flavel followed in his father’s footsteps as a Presbyterian clergyman and was forced to minister in secret due to the Act of Uniformity in 1662 under Charles II. The Act was repealed for a time under James II in 1687, allowing those not serving in the Church of England to minister freely. Flavel was known as a man of integrity and deep commitment to God. He died in 1691.


10 ratings

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  1. Amanda Coomer

    Amanda Coomer


  2. Aaron Sauer

    Aaron Sauer


  3. Debra W Bouey
  4. Cesar Antonio cardenas huenchul
  5. Forrest Cole

    Forrest Cole


  6. Mr. Youngblood
  7. Kevin Bratcher
  8. Daniel Caballero
    Amazing resource!
  9. Brayden Brookshier
    Underrated! So rich in theological depth and practical devotion.
  10. Reid A Ferguson

    Reid A Ferguson


    I've owned these for many years in hardback, and could not be more thrilled to see them in Logos. No doubt some of my Christmas money will end up procuring them this year. Volume 1 itself may be one of the most uplifting and Christ exalting set of addresses in Puritan literature. It stands on its own as a stunning example of how one can return over and over to the person and work of Christ, and draw you higher and higher each time. Every sermon is exquisite. Be sure to read his son's comments about his father's godliness and practice in the home, for the account of Flavel's faculty in prayer is truly inspiring. Vol 2 has also proved to be a treasure, and vol. 3 which is mainly a treatise on the soul of man is simply so outstanding in delving into the dignity of man as made in God;s image it is hard to overestimate. I've yet to plunder volumes 4-6, but will as the Lord allows. These long buried treasures are sure to warm your own soul, while always providing superb examples of the powerful use of illustration, exegetical refinement and passion for Christ on every page. Read them when looking for insight into particular passages or topics - but above all - devotionally. If your heart is not moved at the sight of the Savior Flavel depicts for you, you are a stone and no man. This is one refreshing fountain to slake your thirst at.


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