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Encyclopedia of 7,700 Illustrations

Digital Logos Edition

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An enormous treasury of 7,700 illustrations, anecdotes, facts, and quotations for pastors, teachers, and Christian workers.

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Top Highlights

“The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.” (Page 1462)

“Christ is not valued at all unless he is valued above all.” (Page 240)

“Never put a question mark where God has put a period.” (Page 185)

“Katherine Bevis tells how among the students at a well-known college there was a young man who had to get about on crutches. He had an unusual talent for friendliness and optimism and so won the deep respect of his classmates. One day a student asked him what had caused his deformity. ‘Infantile paralysis,’ he replied briefly, not wishing to elaborate on his difficulties. ‘With a misfortune like that, how can you face the world so?’ inquired his classmate. ‘Oh’, replied the young Christian, smiling, ‘the disease never touched my heart.’” (Page 953)

The Encyclopedia of 7,700 Illustrations is more than thorough, practical and appropriate, and catalogued for easy reference. Any minister will find it an asset.

—Dr. Tim LaHaye, Pastor and Author

I'm amazed at the variety and freshness of the contents.

—Warren W. Wiersbe

Of all the books of illustration currently available, the Encyclopedia stands quite alone. Despite the reservations one must always have regarding such works, this one can be confidently recommended.

Bibliotheca Sacra

  • Title: Encyclopedia of 7700 Illustrations
  • Author: Paul Lee Tan
  • Publisher: Bible Communications
  • Print Publication Date: 1996
  • Logos Release Date: 2001
  • Pages: 2031
  • Era: era:Contemporary
  • Language: English
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital › Logos Research Edition
  • Subject: Homiletical illustrations
  • Resource ID: LLS:22.0.3
  • Resource Type: text.monograph.illustrations
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2022-02-11T16:23:11Z

Dr. Paul Lee Tan was Director of Asian Studies and Adjunct Professor at Dallas Theological Seminary.


10 ratings

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  1. Charles Smith

    Charles Smith


    I have the book version of this. Great source of illustrations; I take one star off because they are quite dated. I have the updated version for Wordsearch and hope that Logos transitions that resource to their platform.
  2. Kenneth [Ken] Marr
    Excellent resource that I do not avail myself enough to.
  3. Jeffrey W. Hessinger
  4. John Goodman

    John Goodman


    This book is pretty useless as it offers no sources for the illustrations... how can we possibly verify claims etc.
  5. Juliano Santos de Jesus
  6. Jay Mark Horst
    Some of these are really good, but many of them seem "old" and out of touch with today's realities.
  7. Mickey D. Jett
  8. Brian Privett

    Brian Privett


  9. Samuel Martinez
  10. Josef Rasheed

    Josef Rasheed


    I have used this book for over 15 years. Today was the first time I saw this particular illustration, #5239. Is it possible to update some of the language? #5239 uses language that is outdated and offensive.


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