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Mobile Ed: NT390 Jesus as Rabbi: The Jewish Context of the Life of Jesus (8 hour course)

Digital Logos Edition

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Explore the words of Jesus through the context of His conversations with other Jews. From the role of ancient rabbis and rabbinic literature to portrayals of Jesus in the Talmud, Dr. Instone-Brewer reveals how Jesus’ teachings were influenced by His Jewish life. We see Jesus attending the Jewish festivals, interacting with the Jewish leaders and laypeople and teaching them about the Father that He came from, was representing, and was going back to.

Resource Experts

Learning Objectives

Upon successful completion you should be able to:

  • Explain what Jesus was seeking to accomplish through His prayers, His miracles, and His teachings about salvation and sin
  • Hold an informed perspective on Jesus’ teaching for increased understanding and devotion

Course Outline


  • Introducing the Speaker and the Course

Unit 1: The Rabbis

  • Diversity in Judaism
  • Evidence for Jewish Life
  • The Nature of Oral Texts
  • The Schools of Hillel and Shammai
  • Preserving and Editing the Tradition
  • Significance of the Rabbinic Traditions
  • Who Were the Rabbis?
  • Unification after 70 CE
  • Fragmented Judaism in the First Century
  • The Influence of the Rabbis in New Testament Times

Unit 2: Rabbinic Literature

  • What Is Rabbinic Literature?
  • The Collections
  • Navigating Halakic Material
  • The Rabbis of Rabbinic Literature
  • Dating the Rabbinic Materials
  • An Example: What Can Be Carried on the Sabbath
  • Key Scholars of the Tradition

Unit 3: Jesus in the Talmud

  • Printing and Censorship
  • The Printed Talmud
  • Censored Passages
  • Censored Arrest Warrant
  • Dating the Talmudic Tradition about Jesus
  • Analyzing Textual Clues
  • Digging into the Trial Traditions
  • Correcting the Historical Core
  • The Origin of the Tradition

Unit 4: Jesus’ Halakic Teaching

  • Comparing the Teaching of Jesus and the Rabbis
  • Disciples of Jesus the Rabbi
  • The Disciple Copies the Master
  • Traits of Nonacademic Disciples
  • Jesus’ Halakic Teaching on Clean and Unclean
  • Jesus’ Public and Private Teaching
  • Parallels between Jesus and Yohanan ben Zakkai
  • Jesus on Corban
  • Jesus in Translation
  • Jesus’ Halakah
  • Conclusion: Jesus and Halakah

Unit 5: Jesus’ Commandments

  • The Law and Layers of Tradition
  • The Fence around the Law
  • Jesus’ Two Commandments
  • The Yoke of the Kingdom
  • The Yoke of Commandments and the Early Church
  • Laws That Jesus Kept
  • “But I Tell You …”
  • Jesus and the Sabbath
  • Laws That Jesus Rejected
  • Fulfilling the Law

Unit 6: Jesus’ Haggadic Teaching

  • First-Century Sermons
  • Jesus’ Sermon at Nazareth
  • Identifying the Links in Jesus’ Sermon
  • Parables
  • Rabbinic Parable about Legalism
  • A Parable Jesus Heard
  • Moral or Spiritual Sayings
  • Sayings in Mishnah Avot

Unit 7: Jesus’ Jewish Prayers

  • The Value of Studying Prayers
  • Prayer in Judaism
  • The Oldest Amidah
  • The Text of the Amidah
  • The Amidah in Temple Worship
  • New Testament Allusions to the Amidah
  • The “Blessing” for the Heretics
  • The Shorter Abstract of the Amidah
  • The Lord’s Prayer
  • God as Father
  • Daily Bread
  • Demanding Forgiveness
  • Tempting and Testing
  • Forever and Ever

Unit 8: Sin and Salvation

  • Is Sin Important?
  • The Idea of Sin in the Gospels
  • John’s Baptism
  • Day of Atonement
  • The Unforgivable Sin
  • Being Brought to Repentance
  • Forgiving Others
  • Jesus’ Teaching on Hell
  • Three Groups at Judgment
  • Hell according to the Qumran Group
  • Jesus’ Distinctive Teaching on Hell
  • Jesus’ Two Ways

Unit 9: Jesus’ Miracles & Exorcisms

  • Healings and Miracles in the Ancient World
  • Miracles and Gullibility
  • Jewish Miracle Workers
  • Contrasts with Jesus’ Healings
  • Feeding Thousands
  • First-Century Jewish Etiquette
  • Tithing Bread
  • Exorcisms in Jewish Literature
  • Exorcisms of Jesus
  • Exorcisms by Others
  • Exorcisms after the New Testament

Unit 10: Jesus’ Festival Visits

  • Festivals in First-Century Judaism
  • Jesus’ First Festival
  • Jesus at the Festival of Tabernacles
  • Water and Light at Tabernacles
  • Palm Sunday
  • Did Jesus Keep Passover?
  • The Timing of Passover in the Gospels
  • Evidence for Two Passovers
  • Jesus’ Passover Meal


  • Summary of the Course

Product Details

  • Title: NT390 Jesus as Rabbi: The Jewish Context of the Life of Jesus
  • Instructor: Dr. David Instone-Brewer
  • Publisher: Lexham Press
  • Publication Date: 2016
  • Product Type: Logos Mobile Education
  • Resource Type: Courseware, including transcripts, audio, and video resources
  • Courses: 1
  • Video Hours: 8
Value if sold separately
||Partially included
Value if sold separately
Total value if sold separately:

Dr. David Instone-Brewer

Dr. David Instone-Brewer graduated from South Wales Baptist College with the highest marks in that college’s history and later earned his PhD from Cambridge University, where he studied early rabbinic exegesis. Dr. Instone-Brewer ministered at the Llanishen Baptist Church in Cardiff for five years and is now research fellow and technical officer for Tyndale House, which is, arguably, among the three best libraries in the world for biblical studies.

Specializing in rabbinic studies, Dr. Instone-Brewer has been a regular contributor to Christianity magazine and has written several books, including Traditions of the Rabbis from the Era of the New Testament.


Getting the most out of Mobile Ed


Logos Mobile Education is a highly effective cross-platform learning environment that integrates world class teaching with the powerful study tools and theological libraries available in Logos Bible Software. Every course provides links to additional resources and suggested readings that supplement the lecture material at the end of every transcript segment.

This course was produced with screencast videos. These videos provide tutorials showing you how to use Logos Bible Software in ways that are tied directly into the content of the course. We are now producing Activities resources as a replacement for screencast videos. We plan on updating this course to include this additional Activities resource in the future for no extra charge.



7 ratings

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  1. Alessandro



  2. Kelly Fleming

    Kelly Fleming


  3. jack grossman
  4. Joshua



    Dr. Instone-Brewer displays his masterful grasp on all things Jewish in this course. There is a great amount of minutiae which he covers to build a greater understanding of the gospels. Many fresh insights here. His other ME course BI390 Biblical Sexual Ethics is also amazing.
  5. Tim Kuhn

    Tim Kuhn


    Loved this course. It was very educational to learn what the teaching were during the time of Jesus. This is so packed with information I will eventually go through it again. I was looking for a historic overview and I learned more than I imagined through these lessons. I'm surprised that more people haven't picked this one up.
  6. Deepak Kumar Singh
  7. Chris duMond

    Chris duMond


  8. Ryan White

    Ryan White



Collection value: $439.99
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