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Mobile Ed: Studies in Dispensationalism Bundle (2 courses)

, 2015–2016
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“Dispensationalism is important for everyone to understand, whether you’re a dispensationalist or not,” says Dr. Carl Sanders. It “has shaped much of evangelical history and culture and is worth understanding for that reason alone.” Join Dr. Sanders as he explores the history and theology of dispensationalism and how it has impacted our culture in more ways than we realize.

Dr. Sanders is known for his down-to-earth presentation and ability to address theological differences fairly. As both a professor and minister in diverse urban congregations, Dr. Sanders brings together a high degree of scholarship and a practical approach. You’re invited to think critically about who God is, what Scripture teaches, and how that can inform us in our daily lives.

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Product Details

  • Title: Studies in Dispensationalism Bundle
  • Instructor: Carl Sanders
  • Publisher: Lexham Press
  • Publication Date: 2014
  • Product Type: Logos Mobile Education
  • Resource Type: Courseware, including transcripts, audio, and video resources
  • Courses: 2
  • Video Hours: 11
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About Carl Sanders

Dr. Carl Sanders is an associate professor of theology at Lancaster Bible College’s Capital Bible Seminary. He has taught at college and seminary levels since 1999 at several schools: Bethel University (St. Paul, Minnesota), Northwestern College (St. Paul, Minnesota), and Washington Bible College in Washington, DC, where he also served as chair of the Bible and theology department (2003–2012).

Dr. Sanders is well liked by his students for his down-to-earth presentation of Bible doctrine. Students quickly learn that he enjoys talking about theology and has a quick wit. Among his strengths as a lecturer are his ability to distill information to essential elements, as well as his good-natured way of fairly explaining differences in theological positions. Dr. Sanders has a keen interest in urban ministry and has served for many years in racially diverse urban congregations. His interest in local-church experience helps him practice theology in ways that reflect the diversity present in the body of Christ. He strives to make theology interesting and practical.


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  1. Jeffrey J H Marshall
    I don't understand the petulant attitude of some on this form. The teaching of the established "Christian" faiths is told from the view of what is defined as orthodoxy as is tales told from the victors stand point. Those of us who have had different views of what constitutes orthodoxy according to the established faiths have had to learn from these views for hundreds of years. It is always good to hear from both sides of any argument. Dr. Sanders is an excellent instructor.
  2. Dean Poulos

    Dean Poulos


    Apologies in advance for this rather long post. Personally, I would love to see a course on Covenant Theology and Dispensational Theology, but the latter must be restricted to where the doctrinal beliefs are in firm opposition. In other words, the course would not attempt to discuss details such as the rapture, a 7-year tribulation, or Daniel's Prophecies, however, to invoke a covenant is a key to Israel's relationship with God, that is something which would be touched upon. I can explain exactly what I mean by this core relationship, and IMHO, it would not matter what a person's eschatological theology is. But I doubt the post would fit, it was a paper I had to write in school. Thus, supportive biblical doctrines which is what dispensationalists would call a recognizable and predestined historical division in Scripture, but in a historic framework, which God decreed before time and which He passes judgement on the activities of His creation during these divisions in a very different way, whilst His heavenly host, or if some prefer Divine Council, it matters not, since all are created beings and knew not what would be taking place. The Edenic dispensation in contrast to the antediluvian dispensation would be two examples. The state of creation when the rebellious sons of God left their first estate, e.g., Gen. 6.1-4 and committed acts of abomination led to the flood. A dispensation is NOT a way of salvation. In the Ages after Adam, man has always been saved by faith, i.e., by believing and trusting what God had said. By the time of NT revelation (the dispensation of grace) while the essence of regeneration and imputed faith by God to His elect remains, now directs the unregenerate to believe in the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ (or His finished work on the cross) as the only means of salvation. History should be a component of such a course. For example, we know that amillennial and Preterist views came late and while they began to spread after Augustine, they took a solid hold after the Nicene Creed. (Interesting that up until about 400 AD there were over 500 translations of the bible, but Rome took care of that when they decreed Latin was the official language, burned every bible and made it a crime if a bible was printed in a language other than Latin. Without question, the most important figure among the early apologists for Christianity was Justin Martyr. His unwavering belief in premillennialism may be found in Dialogue with Trypho; (Justin, Dial. 8. ANF1) but JM was also way ahead of his time. Again, in Dialogue with Trypho, Ch. 70, he writes: "Now it is evident, that in this prophecy [allusion is made] to the bread which our Christ gave us to eat, in [[remembrance]] of His being made flesh for the sake of His believers, for whom He suffered; and to the cup which He gave us to drink, in [[remembrance]] of His own blood, with giving of thanks." While many other items on both Theologies can be discussed (let's not forget the recent push to change the dating of the Revelation of Jesus Christ to before the destruction of the temple, (AD 66-68) rather that the date accepted for years when John wrote the book in 95 AD on Patmos). Also, the many passages which are interpreted to be "spiritual Israel," and brought us “replacement theology” would be very important in such a course. Again, sorry for the long post, but I think such a course would be of great value when Covenant Theology (or visa versa) is presented with its beliefs and doctrines in the same course. 20 years ago, I was a Reformed Baptist and still am, except my eschatology is dispensational. Oddly, the only reason I came to see a Reformed Soteriology was because I permitted scripture to interpret scripture, and allegorical text is easily recognized, as is reading the text literally, which led to my Reformed Soteriology as well as my Dispensational Theology. I hope whatever anyone’s beliefs are, they would like to see a course like this, where the student gets both perspectives and can make their own decision.
  3. Tom Sersen

    Tom Sersen


    I would suggest Better Covenant Theology by Jonathan Welton. Understanding the Whole Bible: The King, The Kingdom and the New Covenant. www.amazon.com/Understanding-Whole-Bible-Kingdom-Covenant-ebook/dp/B00WXJIK4Y/ref=sr_1_3?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1492907519&sr=1-3&keywords=jonathan+welton+books
  4. Paul Berry

    Paul Berry


    I would sure think most would want a Dispensationalist to teach a course on that subject. For those that differ from that view I would think that they'd be looking for the study on Covenant Theology.
  5. Ross Purdy

    Ross Purdy


    According to their statement of faith, Lancaster starts the church in Acts 2 with Pentecost after which the HS baptizes believers into the Body of Christ. The school also holds to a pretrib rapture. So the school holds to typical Acts 2 dispensationalism. Dr. Sanders' education: Carl E. Sanders II, Professor BA, Pillsbury Baptist Bible College (Typical Acts 2) MDiv, Central Baptist Theological Seminary (Typical classical Acts 2) STM, PhD, Dallas Theological Seminary (Was Acts 2 now morphing into Progressive Dispensationalism (compromised dispensationalism)) It is a safe bet that he is dispensational.
  6. Nathan Reynolds

    Nathan Reynolds


    The most important question (also asked by other's here)... IS SANDERS A DISPENSATIONALIST? Can someone at Logos please confirm....
  7. Willie Dowtin
    I am a former student of Dr. Sanders at Washington Bible College. He was my Theology Track Professor Chair when I was going for my undergrad. Every class that he taught was great.
  8. Jason Saglimbeni
    Is there an estimated release date for these courses?
  9. Dispensational Truth
    Is Sanders a Dispensationalist?
  10. Dennis Audet

    Dennis Audet


    I look forward with great anticipation to Dr. Carl Sanders lectures on Dispensational Theology. Thank you for offering these two courses.
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