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Products>Logos 10 Messianic Jewish Silver Library

Logos 10 Messianic Jewish Silver Library

Digital Logos Edition (1)

Logos Editions are fully connected to your library and Bible study tools.


Collection value: $5,124.75
Save $4,774.76 (93%)
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With the Logos 10 Silver Messianic Jewish Library, you’ll get additional tools for Bible study. It also comes with a collection of over 290 books, including advanced reference works and exegetical materials like the Ariel Ministries Messianic Collection (11 vols.) and The Messianic Jewish Publishers Collection (66 vols.).

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  1. David Anfinrud

    David Anfinrud


    NO one denomination has all the answers. So much we can learn from each other. By keeping the BIble as the center of our faith. OFten times differences in Opinion are not so different than we thought. Learn to communicate the truth to others can sometimes be tricky. Old Testament sometimes we miss points mentioned that are easily seen from the Messianic Jewish viewpoint. We not always agree but see understanding and Knowledge can only help us grow in faith.


Collection value: $5,124.75
Save $4,774.76 (93%)
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