Digital Logos Edition
Though every year the Bible is the world’s most popular, purchased, and translated book, the majority of people reading the Bible have never deeply studied it, and even among those who have, many still have numerous, lingering questions, such as: “Who wrote it?” “Is it historically reliable?” “How were the books of the Bible selected?” “Is it possible that some books are missing or that others will be added?” “What is the over-arching storyline of the Bible and its primary message?” “How do we study the Bible?” “Why are there so many translations?” and “Which is the best translation?” The Bible’s Uniqueness: An Introduction to Scripture answers these questions and more. In addition, strong apologetic evidence for the supernatural nature and absolute trustworthiness of Scripture is provided throughout—both to convince skeptics and increase the faith of believers.
This is a Logos Reader Edition. Learn more.
The Bible Teacher’s Guide... will help any teacher study and get a better background for his/her Bible lessons. In addition, it will give direction and scope to teaching of the Word of God. Praise God for this contemporary introduction to the Word of God.
—Dr. Elmer Towns; Co-founder of Liberty University; Former Dean, Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary
Expositional, theological, and candidly practical! I highly recommend The Bible Teacher’s Guide for anyone seeking to better understand or teach God’s Word.
—Dr. Young-Gil Kim; Founding President, Handong Global University
Helpful to both the layman and the serious student, The Bible Teacher’s Guide, by Dr. Greg Brown, is outstanding!
—Dr. Neal Weaver; Chancellor of Louisiana Baptist University