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Leading Through Storms: Successfully Navigating Ministry While Maintaining Your Mental Health

, 2025
ISBN: 9781514009154


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An Emergency Preparedness Kit for Christian Leaders

There are times when the isolation and demands of ministry can wear down even the strongest person.

When the burdens of life and ministry push you to your physical and mental breaking point, how can you lead yourself, let alone others? In Leading Through Storms, Geoffrey Dudley

  • weaves together personal narrative, biblical reflection, and leadership theories
  • teaches skills that will help leaders lean more confidently into their calling
  • focuses on how leaders can lead themselves through crises and challenges that arise throughout life

No one is immune from the storms of leadership and the brokenness they leave in their wake, but Leading Through Storms is the emergency preparedness kit that will keep you anchored.

Foreword by Walter Scott Thomas

Part 1: Before the Storm
1. Calling: How We Got Here
2. Core: The Strength of Your Leaders

Part 2: Weather Alert
3. Consecrated Courage: Prepare for the Storm
4. Construction: How to Build the Church
5. Canceled: When People Jump Ship

Part 3: In the Storm
6. Chaos: Multiple Things Can Go Wrong
7. Cash: When Money Is Not Enough
8. Community: From "Hosanna!" to "Crucify Him!"

Part 4: After the Storm
9. Counseling: It's Okay to Ask for Help
10. Clarity: How We Made It Over

Appendix: Self-Assessment Tools

"Leadership is mission critical, especially in a storm. My friend Bishop Geoffrey Dudley draws from his vast life experiences in ministry, military, academia, and relationships in writing Leading Through Storms. No easy platitudes, only well-earned wisdom in multiple storms distilled into pragmatic, actionable steps. You'll understand yourself and your storm and come out stronger."

"Leading Through Storms is unlike any other leadership book I have read. It takes us through the trenches, walking us along the realistic path of struggle as we attempt to lead amidst challenges and uncertainty. Bishop Dudley shares from the heart while helping us to stand firm even as waves of doubt crash around us. This book is for everyone. Highly recommended."

"This is a powerful leadership book marinated in a painful personal narrative. It is well-crafted, helpful, and honest. It is also raw, compelling, and unsettling. But most of all, it is intrinsically hopeful."

"Written with an unparalleled level of honesty, the narrative of his leadership journey is a story that will equip leaders for the storms that arise in ministry be it megachurch Visionaire or senior pastor of a storefront church."

"Bishop Dudley captures the essence of academia and application of leadership development theories by using his real life narrative as the lens by which Leading Through Storms causes you to view leadership. He puts the theories of leadership in the test tube of the challenges of ministry, and with each chapter, the Bunsen burner is turned up, and the reader learns how to lead him/herself and to inspire their followers to accomplish the vision of the church."

"Leading Through Storms should be required reading for leaders in ministry, especially new pastors. The challenges are written about in an authentic way that leaves you feeling like Bishop Dudley knows your story and you are not alone. His transparency and vulnerability are rare and a great encouragement."

"Bishop Dudley skillfully uncovers the inequities in the church financial world which lead to the excessive stress that senior pastors, especially those of color, must navigate in order to serve their communities. Not only does he expose the racism in the financial space, he survived it to tell about it and give hope and a framework to help others through the minefield of church construction. Read this book so you can walk in the boardroom ready to negotiate and ready to lead in the pulpit."

"It is an honor to compose this endorsement for Leading Through Storms by Bishop Geoffrey V. Dudley. My acquaintance with Bishop Dudley since 1993 has profoundly influenced my family and the church my wife and I lead. Throughout the previous seventeen years, we have observed his adeptness in overcoming adversities. His candor in this book, especially regarding the challenges faced in ministry, provides essential insights for all leaders. Bishop Dudley's narrative exhibits transformational leadership and serves as an essential guide for individuals confronting the challenges of pastoral life."

"There are a plethora of definitions for leadership and thousands of books on shelves in major bookstores. Leading Through Storms is a great tool for leaders that are marketplace secular thinkers as well as many who are vital voices in the sacred community. The concept of the core team of our ministries that helps navigate times of uncertain 'space' moments is relevant to current times. Bishop Dudley has merged his scholarly insights and life experiences that prepare every leader for the chaos when people jump ship and to be okay to ask for help after the storm!"

"Leading Through Storms is a love letter to every follower of Jesus who understands the call to lead sometimes requires us to lead while limping. Bishop Geoffrey V. Dudley Sr. has provided a masterful 'show and tell' guide that seamlessly weaves biblical texts, business acumen, and bold acts of faith to offer kingdom-building principles for those called to leadership in Christ's church. Bishop Dudley's transparency is rare and refreshing. The emotional vulnerability with which he shares the pinnacles and pitfalls of his church planting journey will provide encouragement to faith-walking leaders for generations to come. I highly recommend this book to everyone who has given God a 'yes,' understanding that giving up with God is never an option."

"We often define leadership as influence and leave it at that. Rarely do we go deeper into how influence is implemented and executed in the dark days of leadership. Leading Through Storms will take the reader on a journey through the emotional struggles of a modern-day Elijah. Bishop Geoffrey Dudley vulnerably shares how he led a church during seemingly insurmountable struggles and utter depression. Through leadership theory, Scripture, praxis, and self-reflection, Leading Through Storms gives readers ears to hear and eyes to see how to lead themselves and others out of the storms of life."

"A standout book for leaders facing the paradox of working with less while aiming to achieve more, who grapple with systemic inequities and face issues requiring new frameworks and fresh thinking! Bishop Geoffrey Dudley addresses these issues with transparency and hard-fought wisdom, exploring ways to balance the demands of leadership with the need for self-care to fulfill God's mandate to love your neighbor as yourself. Reading this book will inspire you to hope again, lead differently, think creatively, and champion a style that's resilient and persevering yet compassionate to self and others."

"Geoffrey Dudley's Leading Through Storms is a deeply personal and practical guide for those considering church ministry and for those already serving churches but might be wondering, 'What did I get myself into?' Weaving together his own story and the principles of leadership gleaned from a variety of sources, Dudley offers insights into how leaders can navigate through choppy waters or perhaps avoid some storms altogether. Share Leading Through Storms as a blessing to your church staff or with someone you know in seminary."

"Geoffrey Dudley passionately argues that leadership isn't just about theory—it's about practice. He believes that true understanding comes from delving into real-life experiences and uncovering the secrets that distinguish good leadership from bad. According to Dudley, challenging times are both a litmus test for leadership effectiveness and a classroom for strengthening leadership skills. In today's rapidly changing world, we need ministers who prioritize the well-being of others and embrace the reality that what worked in the past may not work in the future. It's not just about having good ideas; it's crucial to understand how to make effective decisions in a constantly evolving landscape. While the academic scholarship on leadership theories garners attention, the practical aspect of leadership needs more examination. This book stands out as it seamlessly blends Scripture, leadership scholarship, and real-world experience. Dudley offers a compelling combination of academic rigor, engagement with biblical text, and lived wisdom. This book is designed for practitioners who want to enhance their skills with a valuable resource and guide. It goes beyond just offering wise sayings, as it is the result of critical reflection on lived experience and is informed by solid scholarship. The book draws upon Scripture and emphasizes the importance of reflection, contextuality, and people-centered leadership—qualities essential for navigating the complexities of human experience in today's world. The examples and frameworks presented here are practical lessons for those striving to lead better. Journey with this scholar-practitioner as he explores the rich terrain of ministry leadership. This combination of insightful scriptural interpretation and practical wisdom is thought-provoking and relevant to the challenges faced in today's ministry. Ministry leadership is not just about holding a title or position. It's not just about who we are but also about what we do. Leadership is about how we interact with and influence others. It's about the impact we have on people, the difference we make, and the legacy we leave behind—all for the glory of God! This book is an open invitation to embark on a journey, explore, be challenged, and ultimately pave the way for good ministry leadership that is intentional and purposeful."

  • Title: Leading Through Storms: Successfully Navigating Ministry While Maintaining Your Mental Health
  • Authors: Geoffrey V. Dudley, Walter Thomas
  • Publisher: IVP
  • Print Publication Date: 2025
  • Logos Release Date: 2024
  • Language: English
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital › Ebook
  • ISBNs: 9781514009154, 9781514009147, 1514009145, 1514009153
  • Resource ID: LLS:9781514009154
  • Resource Type: Monograph
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2024-08-29T05:52:24Z

Bishop Geoffrey V. Dudley Sr. (PhD, Regent) is the founding and senior pastor of New Life in Christ Church, one of the fastest growing churches in the Metro East area of St. Louis, Missouri (O’Fallon, Illinois). Originally from Goldsboro, North Carolina, Dudley began ministry at the age of thirteen, was ordained by the United Holy Church of America in 1986, and is a retired Air Force chaplain and lieutenant colonel. He is also the CEO of iLead Enterprises, a leadership development platform for staff and workforce development. He and his wife, Glenda, have two adult children who are both ministry leaders.


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