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Products>The Voodoo Encyclopedia: Magic, Ritual, and Religion

The Voodoo Encyclopedia: Magic, Ritual, and Religion

, 2015
ISBN: 9798216162742


Ebooks are designed for reading and have few connections to your library.


This compelling reference work introduces the religions of Voodoo, a onetime faith of the Mississippi River Valley, and Vodou, a Haitian faith with millions of adherents today.

Unlike its fictional depiction in zombie films and popular culture, Voodoo is a full-fledged religion with a pantheon of deities, a priesthood, and communities of believers. Drawing from the expertise of contemporary practitioners, this encyclopedia presents the history, culture, and religion of Haitian Vodou and Mississippi Valley Voodoo. Though based primarily in these two regions, the reference looks at Voodoo across several cultures and delves into related religions, including African Vodu, African Diasporic Religions, and magical practices like hoodoo.

Through roughly 150 alphabetical entries, the work describes various aspects of Voodoo in Louisiana and Haiti, covering topics such as important places, traditions, rituals, and items used in ceremonies. Contributions from scholars in the field provide a comprehensive overview of the subject from various perspectives and address the deities and ceremonial acts. The book features an extensive collection of primary sources and a selected, general bibliography of print and electronic resources.

This compelling reference work introduces the religions of Voodoo, a onetime faith of the Mississippi River Valley, and Vodou, a Haitian faith with millions of adherents today.

Addresses both Vodou and Voodoo
Situates the religions both religiously and historically
Examines the African contributions to the faiths on a regional basis
Introduces important gods and ceremonies

Alphabetical List of Entries
List of Entries by Topic
A–Z Entries
Visual Representations of Vodou and Voodoo
Primary Documents
About the Editor and Contributors

This is a valuable reference work for public, high school, and college libraries and for special libraries focusing on religion or folk arts.

  • Title: The Voodoo Encyclopedia: Magic, Ritual, and Religion
  • Author: Jeffrey E. Anderson
  • Publisher: ABC-CLIO
  • Print Publication Date: 2015
  • Logos Release Date: 2024
  • Language: English
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital › Ebook
  • ISBN: 9798216162742
  • Resource ID: LLS:9798216162742
  • Resource Type: Monograph
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2024-04-11T19:50:41Z

Jeffrey E. Anderson is the Dr. William R. Hammond Professor of Liberal Arts at the University of Louisiana at Monroe, USA.


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